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The Amiga Web Directory
Support the Amiga Web Directory

Show your support for The Amiga Web Directory by simply becoming a 1997 member of the Champaign-Urbana Computer Users Group. For only $10 for the remainder of the year you can be a member of one of the most successful Amiga user groups in the world!

You'll receive a FREE subscription to our monthly newsletter, The Status Register via e-mail or first class every month with timely Amiga news and reviews. You'll also receive the CUCUG membership card proving that you are indeed a member of one of the most famous user groups on the planet--your friends will be quite amused and wish they had one, too!

CUCUG Member-Only Prizes Awarded Each Month!

Just by being an Amiga member of CUCUG, you will be automatically eligible to win valuable, FREE prizes every month, just like these lucky members! For this month's CUCUG Amiga Monthly Member Raffle, we are awarding three incredibly cool prizes--the best of the best in Amiga software--just to members, just for being members. Here's the list of prizes which will be randomly awarded on August 21, 1997: Remember, to win you must be a paid Amiga member of CUCUG and that's it! No tickets, no entry forms, just sit back, be lucky and enjoy these great prizes!

CUCUG Member-Only Amiga Vendor Specials!

Many Amiga-oriented companies have recognized the contributions made to the Amiga community by CUCUG and its Amiga Web Directory and have offered to make exclusive, member-only deals available to CUCUG members. Here is a list of the special benefits you'll enjoy if you join CUCUG!

Fill out our handy membership application RIGHT NOW and join CUCUG today! Please make sure that your e-mail address is correct.

E-mail address: (Please double check for accuracy)


Mailing address:

City: State:
ZIP/Postal Code: Country:

How do you wish to receive your CUCUG Status Register Newsletter:
Send it via E-Mail (Fast and Efficient)
Send it via postal mail (Slow and Inefficient)
Please add $5.00 for Postal Mail (Air Mail) service outside the US or Canada.

Phone Number:

Which computers do you own? (check all that apply):
Commodore C64
Commodore C128
Amiga 500
Amiga 600
Amiga 1000
Amiga 1200
Amiga 2000/2500
Amiga 3000
Amiga 4000
Amiga CD32/CDTV
Apple Mac 680xx
Apple Mac Powerbook
Apple Mac PowerPC
Mac PowerPC Clone
Intel/Clone PC

Enter any comments you might have here.

Thank you for suporting the Amiga Web Directory!

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Raffle not valid where prohibited. You must be a paid Amiga member of CUCUG on the day of the drawing to win. Member is responsible for all taxes associated with the prizes. Prizes will be available for pickup at each CUCUG monthly meeting or mailed to you via surface shipping methods. Unclaimed prizes revert back to CUCUG. You must have a working e-mail address on file with CUCUG for prize notification purposes. CUCUG is a non-profit corporation registered in the state of Illinois. Winners determined by random draw. All decisions final.

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