Once you have a compatible browser, you will need to download the Shockwave Plug-In and install it. To download the file (if you haven't already), choose one of the following:
Be sure to save the file in a temporary directory. In order to access the files you need to set up Shockwave, double click on the file you just downloaded. This will extract the set up files in a DOS window. Close the DOS window when it's finished.
Now, remember where you put the temporary directory the files are in? Go there and double click on the Setup program with the little computer icon next to it. This should launch the Shockwave Setup program.
The program will tell you what to do from there. No need for you to configure your browser to work with the Shockwave Plug-In, Shockwave Setup does it for you.
Now you're ready to go! Visit our Shockwave article to learn more about Shockwave, and look at our Shocked pages to see this Cool Tool in action.