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GATEWAY 2000® offers PC card modems with x2TM Technology on portable line
Direct marketer first to introduce x2 Technology for GatewayTM SoloTM multimedia notebooks

NORTH SIOUX CITY, SD, June 9, 1997 - Gateway 2000, Inc. (NYSE: GTW), a leading direct marketer of notebook computers, announced today it is offering PC Card modems using x2 Technology from U.S. Robotics (Nasdaq: USRX) as an option to its line of Gateway Solo multimedia notebooks. Gateway 2000 is the first major notebook marketer to offer x2 modems as an upgrade option.

"We are pleased to be the first direct marketer offering a PC Card modem with x2 Technology," said Dave Berger, director of product marketing, Americas. "Gateway was among the first to ship the x2 Technology modems on our desktop line, and adding x2 Technology to the Gateway Solo line is a natural complement. We believe the PC Card modem with x2 Technology represents another 'first' in the very successful Gateway Solo multimedia notebook line."

Gateway 2000 will make available the new modem as the Gateway TelePath® modem with x2 Technology at a price of $200. The modem is also available to existing Gateway customers through its Add-On Sales Department.

U.S. Robotics developed x2 technology to aid customers downloading information from the Internet. "We are pleased that Gateway 2000 has begun selling the next generation high-speed modem technology on its notebook product line," said Tony Francesca, vice-president OEM business, U.S. Robotics. "Gateway 2000's portable customers now have the ability to access the power of the Internet with x2 Technology."

More than 300 Internet service providers, including America Online, CompuServe, MindSpring, NETCOM, Prodigy and Web America have committed to supporting x2 Technology to enhance their online service delivery.

For more information on the Gateway Solo multimedia notebook line or the new Gateway TelePath modem with x2 Technology, contact the company at 1-800-846-2000 or visit the Gateway 2000 Internet site at http://www.gw2k.com.

About Gateway 2000, Inc.
Gateway 2000, Inc., a Fortune 500 company founded in 1985, is a global leader in the direct marketing of PCs. The company, headquartered in North Sioux City, South Dakota, has manufacturing facilities in the United States, Ireland and Malaysia, and employs over 10,000 people worldwide. Gateway 2000 products and services consistently win top awards from leading industry publications. In 1996, the company shipped 1.9 million systems and reported revenue of $5 billion. Revenue for the first quarter of 1997 was $1.4 billion with net income of $67.5 million.

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