(Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)
x2 Modem Upgrade
This is the driver upgrade for the Gateway 2000 TelePath 33.6 Data/14.4 Fax Modem for Windows.
This will only work on Gateway 2000 Windows Modems with the following part numbers:
Please click here to find out whether or not your modem will work with the upgrade.
You must verify that you have one of these modems in your system before you perform the upgrade. Using this upgrade with a modem other than the three listed above will cause unfavorable results. Before downloading the upgrade, please read the following installation instructions to ensure a flawless installation. Please note, this is for the TelePath 33.6 Data/14.4 Fax Modem for Windows only. This upgrade will not work for any other modem except for the modems with the part numbers specified above.
Installing the Upgrade
Installation Steps for Windows 3.11
- Boot into Windows 3.x. Double-click on the Telepath 28.8/33.6 fax modem icon group. Double-click on the Configurator icon and write down the I/O address, IRQ line, and Comport information. The message "Your modem seems to operate correctly with the current settings" appears at the top of the screen. Click Yes. Another message box "Please select an available I/O base address and IRQ line for the test" appears. Click Cancel.
- Double-click on the Uninstall icon. A message box "Do you really want to remove the modem..." appears. Click Yes. A message box "Telepath 28.8/33.6 fax modem has been removed. The uninstallation will be complete the next you start Windows. Do you want to restart now?" appears. Click Yes. Windows will close and your system will reboot.
Note: If your system does not automatically reboot into Windows, type "win" at the command prompt and your system will load Windows.
- From Program Manager click File, Run, and type "?:\X2\install.exe", where the "?" is the drive the X2 directory resides. Example, if the X2 directory resides on drive F, type "F:\X2\install.exe" and click OK. A message box "Install to C:\telepath" will appear. Click Continue. A message box "Install could not find this directory. It can create it automatically. Create the directory" appears. Click Yes. The files are copied.
- After the files are finished copying, a message box "The previous Windows settings (Win.ini and System.ini) have been saved as Win.usr and System.usr in the Windows directory. Please click OK to continue" appears. Click OK.
- A message box "Install will now detect the available comports" appears. Click OK.
- Install prompts you for the comport that you documented in Step 1. Highlight the comport you documented in Step 1 and click OK. A message box "Restart Windows to complete the installation process" appears. Click Restart.
- When Windows restarts, a message box "To complete the modem installation, select an available I/O base address and IRQ line for the card" appears. Highlight the I/O base address and IRQ that you documented in Step 1. Click OK. A message box "You modem has been setup" appears. Click OK. Exit Windows and reboot.
Installation Steps for Windows 95
- Click Start, Settings, and Control Panel. Double-click the Telepath 28.8/33.6 fax modem icon.
- Click Uninstall. The Confirm device removal dialog box appears with a warning that you are about to remove the device from the system. Click OK. Windows returns with a System dialog box and informs you that the device has been successfully removed. Click OK and then Close.
- Click Start, Shutdown, and click the Restart the Computer radio button. Click Yes. Windows 95 shuts down and reboots.
- After rebooting, Windows 95 detects the modem as a Telepath 28.8/33.6 Fax/Modem for Windows and starts the Update Device Drive Wizard. This dialog box informs you that the wizard will search your drives for the modem driver. Click Next.
Note: If Windows detects the modem but does not prompt you for a disk and automatically installs the drivers, refer back to step 3 and ensure the TELEPATH.INF files have been removed.
- Windows searches your drives for the updated modem driver but informs you that it was unable to locate it. Click Other Locations. The Select Other Locations dialog box appears and prompts you for the location of the updated modem driver. When you extract 7501696.EXE, a directory named X2 is created on the drive where 7501696.EXE resides. Example, if the file 7501696.EXE resides on drive E, an X2 directory will be created on drive E and all the files are extracted to this drive and directory. In the blank white box with the blinking cursor, type in the drive where the you extracted the files and the X2 directory. In this example, the drive and directory would be E:\X2. Click OK.
- The Wizard informs you that Windows has found the following driver for this device: TelePath 33.6 fax modem with x2. Click Finish.
- Windows starts to copy files. Before any files are copied, Windows returns a message that informs that the Telepath 33.6 fax modem with x2 is now required. Click OK.
- A Copying Files dialog box appears that the telepath.cpl file could not be found and prompts you for the drive and directory path to the files. A path is already entered in the Copy Files from box. Delete the entry and if you know the drive and directory path where you extracted the updated drivers, type it in the white box with the blinking cursor and click OK or click Browse and select the drive and directory in the Browse for Folder dialog box. Click OK. You will be returned to the Copy Files dialog box and the path that you select is entered for you in the white box. Click OK.
- Windows copies the files from the location you specified and informs you that Windows is installing your modem. When Windows is finished installing the modem, a dialog box appears that the modem is installed and informs you which ComPort it is installed on. Click OK. You are prompted to reboot your computer so the new setting will take effect. Click Yes. Your computer reboots.
- When Windows 95 restarts, a dialog box appears that new hardware found and that it is the Wave Device for Modem and automatically installs the software for it. After Windows installs the software, your desktop now appears on the screen.
- Your modem is now updated to X2 technology.
The Device Manager will report three entries pertaining to the new drivers. One entry called "TelePath 33.6 fax modem with x2" will show up under the Modem section and another will show up under the Ports section. The third entry is called "Wave Device for Voice Modem" and is under the Sound, video, and game controllers section.
You can verify that the X2 driver is installed by doing any of the following:
- Go to Start, Settings, Control Panel. There should be an icon in the Control Panel called TelePath 33.6 fax modem with x2.
- In Control Panel, double-click Modem. The TelePath 33.6 fax modem with x2 is highlighted. Click the Diagnostics tab and then click the port that the TelePath 33.6 fax modem with x2. Click More Info. A dialog box appears that Windows is communicating with the modem and it may take a few minutes. After Windows retrieves the information from the modem, the More Info dialog box appears. Scroll down the list of AT commands on the left until you find the ATI7 command. Locate the third ATI7 command. Under the Response column you will see the following:
Options V32bis,V.34+X2
- Connect to the US Robotics BBS. Click on the "Start" button. Go to Programs, Accessories, click on Hyperterminal. Click on the HYPERTRM icon. Type in the name of the connection (USR BBS) in the Connection Description box and click on OK. Enter the phone number(1-888-877-9248 or 1-847-982-5092) of the BBS and click on OK.
When the Connect box opens with the phone number displayed, click on Dial. The dialing status will appear and the connection will be made. At this point, modem result codes will appear similar to the following when an X2 connection is established.
CONNECT 115200 / 04-23-97 (09:58:27)
NOTE: Look for X2 in the result codes to see if an X2 connection was established. The script may vary depending upon the baud rate and various other variables.
Not all ISPís (Internet Service Providers) support X2 technology.-USRís web site has a listing of ISPís that support X2. Http:// or call 1-800-525USR1.
56K is the top connection speed under ideal conditions. The FCC regulations limit that top speed to 53K today. Most connections will be from 44K to 48K and up to 53K, depending on the quality of your line.
X2 may receive and send at different speeds to take advantage of the digital connections utilized by ISPís. Varying line conditions will have a major effect on the rates at which a connection is established. Varying line conditions that may prohibit optimum X2 connection rates include but are not limited to:
- Poor physical cable connections (local telephone lines that have been spliced or jumpered, may affect X2 connections. Although most communities have the capability to support X2, there are some considerations, as mentioned, that may impede the baud rates.)
- Distance from telephone company
- Telephone company call routing methods
- Telephone company equipment (outdated equipment)
- Weather conditions (electrical storms)
An X2 connection only occurs in one direction. X2 technology requires a X2 capable server that is digitally connected to the phone network. You cannot connect two X2 capable modems together at X2 rates, they will only connect at v.34 rates (The maximum v.34 rate is 33,600bps).
X2 is not likely to work overseas due to compression. USR/Gateway 2000 does not support overseas connections at X2 rates. There can be no analog-to-digital conversions in the phone network between the X2 server modem and the client's DAC. If the line is a channelized T1, it must be "trunk-side" and not "line-side." With line-side service from the phone company, there typically is an additional analog-to-digital conversion. If this condition exists, you will not be able to obtain X2 connections.
Procedure for running the U.S. Robotic Line Test utility to verify X2 connectivity
- Click on Start, Settings, Control Panel, Telepath for Windows with X2.
- Look at the modem com port and note what port the modem is set for because you will need this information later in this procedure.
- Click Cancel and then close the Control Panel.
- Click on Start, Programs, Accessories, Hypterterminal, Hypertrm.
- When prompted for Name type in Test and click OK.
- You will now see a phone number dialog, change the Connect using option to "Direct to Com X", where X is the COM port you obtained from step 2, then click OK. You will NOT need to enter a phone number at this point.
- A COM port properties dialog will appear, change the Bits per second option to "115,200" and click OK. You should now be in terminal mode.
- Type in AT and press enter. The modem should respond back with OK. If you did not see the AT appear on the screen when you type AT, type in ATE1 and press enter to turn on local echo; this will allow you to see what you type.
- Type in ATS32=34DT 18888779248. This turns off X2 temporarily and dials the U.S. Robotics BBS. If you to dial 9, to get an outside line or *69 to disable call waiting, insert this information in the dial string. EXAMPLE ATS32=34DT *69, 18888779248.
- After you connect, you will be prompted " Do you want graphics (Enter)=yes" press Enter.
- You will be prompted what is your first name? Type in Line and press Enter.
- You will be prompted what is your last name? Type in Test and press Enter.
- The BBS will now test the modem and the lines and report if the connection supports X2.
EXAMPLE: "This connection supports x2!"
Line test reports that X2 is supported
According to the results of the line test, your X2 modem is making an X2 connection. A combination of factors may be contributing
to your modemís inability to connect at X2 rates. They include, but are not limited to:
- Your Internet Service Provider may not support X2 or may be having difficulties.
- Your Telephone Carrierís call routing methods .
- Integrity Of Local Phone Lines.
- Distance from Central Office (People living in rural areas may not be able to connect at X2 rates).
Line Test is a good indication that your connection supports X2 although connecting at X2 rates may not be possible due to the
above factors. Gateway 2000 has no control over these factors and therefore will not be able to provide assistance beyond this
Download the Upgrade Now
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