To Whom It May Concern:
I'm sure most of you out there are aware of the ever-changing nature of the Web. Well, browsers aren't static either; both Microsoft and Netscape are continuously updating their browsers to include new features to make your Web experience the best it can possibly be. Those of your using older browsers (versions 2.0 and below of Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator) may be missing out on the coolest animations, features and toys being offered on the Web today. To check out which version you have, just choose Help from your browser's toolbar and click on About from the dropdown box. If you're using *gasp* version 1.0, you're probably seeing the Web pages in a way they weren't meant to be seen. Tables, frames, Java and other advances in HTML technology have allowed Web pages to advance a thousandfold in the last couple of years, and we want to be sure you're viewing everyone's Web pages with all the latest tools at your disposal.
The nice thing about upgrading your browser is that you can do it from quite a few places on the Web, including our own site, Just click on the "Download Cool Tools" button on our main page to go to all the latest versions of the most popular browsers and other fun products to enhance your Web experience, including RealAudio, Shockwave, Viscape, and VDOLive.
To upgrade to the latest version of Microsoft Explorer or Netscape Navigator, just choose which operating system you use (notice that the files sizes are located to the right, so you can get an idea of how many sitcoms you can watch before your download is complete) and away you go. These files you're downloading are executable files, meaning that once they're on your hard drive all you need to do is double click on them and follow the instructions to install.
Another nice feature of upgrading your browser is that it will automatically install itself over the top of your old version (if you used the default directory during your install). The importance of this is that your bookmark files, address books, and any other browser features you've used in the past will still be intact with the newer version, so what have you got to lose? Take advantage of this ever-expanding technology and upgrade your browser today.
Your Friends at Gateway 2000!