FEATURES Specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation Eleven exciting titles to meet your computer needs. All the way from a word processor to games. Complete for the whole family. Will run on Windows® 95 and Windows NT.
Title Description
Microsoft® Works Integrated word processor, spreadsheet and database
Dream Works Interactive: The Neverhood Claymation adventure game for teen to adult age group
Microsoft Encarta® 97 World Atlas Comprehensive world atlas. Includes more than a dozen map styles, educational multimedia glossary and much more
Microsoft Automap®Trip Planner Plan trips on CD. Print out shows, attractions and parks
Sesame Street® Elmo’s Preschool Teaches shapes, colors, alphabet and numbers to preschool age
Lotus Organizer® 97 Electronic scheduler and address book
BarbieTM StorymakerTM Creative story writing for young girls from Mattel
The Way Things Work 2.0 Multimedia tour of the inner workings of various mechanical devices from toasters to gasoline engines
Earthworm JimTM Side-scrolling arcade action game for ages 8 and up
Launch® 13 Digital magazine
Road RashTM 13 Aggressive, knee scraping motorcycle racing game. 25 races, 5 levels and 5 courses. Featuring 6 A&M bands
Many Gateway 2000 products are custom engineered to Gateway 2000 specifications, which may vary from the retail versions of the software and/or hardware in functionality, performance or compatibility. Please as your sales rep to explain any differences. The information in this document has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate. However, Gateway 2000 assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies that may be contained in this document. In no event will Gateway 2000 be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any defect or omission, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.