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.abf Adobe Binary Screen Font format. The binary version of a .bdf format.
.acr American College of Radiology file format. This file format is a standard for ACR-NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association) medical image files.
.adi AutoCAD Device-Independent Binary Plotter format. Generated by AutoCAD as monochrome bitmaps.
.afm Adobe Font Metrics format. ASCII-based file format used for storing font metric data as human-readable data.
.ai Adobe Illustrator format. Native format of the Adobe Illustrator program. A variation of the .eps format.
.aif, .aiff Audio Interchange File Format. This sound format is predominantly used by Silicon Graphics and Macintosh applications.
.ani Animated cursor file format. Used with animated cursors in Windows-based machines.
.arc Archive file format. Most commonly associate with DOS-based machines. This format stores 1+ files in a compressed format in an archive file.
.arj Archive by Robert Jung. This format stores one or more files into a compressed archive.
.art Clip Art file format. This extension is used with various types of clip art, including First Publisher and Ashton-Tate.
.art Another Ray Tracer format. Native file format of the ART (Another Ray Tracer) ray tracing package.
.asc ASCII image file format.
.asm Assembly language file format.
.asp Active Server Page format. An open, compile-free application environment in which you can combine HTML, scripts and reusable ActiveX server components to create dynamic and powerful Web pages.
.au Audio U-law (pronounced mu-law) file format. This sound format is most populous on the Internet and boasts small file sizes.
.avi Audio Video Interleaved file format. Windows multimedia video format that interleaves waveform audio and digital video.
.avr Audio Visual Research file format. Audio format used to play Macintosh sound files.
.avs Application Visualization System format. High quality digital video format most often indicating a Digital Video Interactive (.dvi) file that can only be viewed by an appropriate Action Media II adapter.

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