hide random home http://www.gateway2000.com/support/custserv/glossary/fileformat/c.htm (Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)

.c C programming language source code file.
.cab Microsoft Cabinet format. Highly efficient method of compression and distribution based on Lempe-Ziv compression.
.cag Clip Art Gallery format. Compressed picture format used to store clip art for a variety of Microsoft programs.
.cam Casio Camera format. Native bitmap format of the Casio QV series digital camera software.
.cbt Computer Based Training format. Microsoft help uses these files in the background of many Microsoft applications.
.cdf Common Data Format. Scientific data management package that allows application programmers to manage and manipulate scalar, vector, and multi-dimensional data arrays.
.cdf Cyberspace Description Format. ASCII-based format used for describing virtual worlds.
.cdx Compound Index file format. Native database index file used by FoxPro.
.ce Computer Eyes file format. Image files created on a DOS platform with the Computer Eyes video scanner board.
.cfg Configuration file. Used to hold configuration information.
.cgm Computer Graphics Metafile file format. Created by the American National Standards Institute as a universal metafile specification. Although originally intended to include bitmaps, these are generally not supported.
.chk Native file format created by the MS-DOS Checkdisk program when files are fixed. These files can usually be deleted safely.
.clp Clipboard file format. Created by Microsoft to save the contents of the Windows clipboard to disk.
.cmf Creative Music Format. Very similar to the .midi format, except the instrument patches are stored inside the file and are designed for the FM synthesizer only.
.cnt Content file. A file used in Windows 95 that provides the contents of help files and also points to other help files containing relevant data.
.com Command file format. A raw binary executable with a file size of under 64K.
.cpp C++ programming language file format.
.cpt Compact Pro file format. Used for compression and archiving on Macintosh machines.
.cpt Corel Photo Paint format. Native file format of Corel Photo Paint images.
.cur Cursor file format. Created by Microsoft for cursors.
.cut Dr. Halo CUT file format. Awkward image file format that relied on a second format: PAL to determine if the CUT file has two or eight bits of color.

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