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How to Make the Flight Pack Boot Diskettes

This document contains instructions for making the boot diskette for the Flight Pack games. This diskette is necessary for installing and playing the following Flight Pack games:

  • Aces Over Europe
  • Comanche Maximum Overkill
  • Strike Commander
  • Privateer
  • Wing Commander Armada
  • Tactical Fighter Experiment/TFX

Making the Flight Pack Boot Diskette

This disk works for all the games in the Flight Pack. However, Comanche Maximum Overkill and Tactical Fighter Experiment/TFX have additional requirements which are noted in their own sections in this document.

  1. Insert a blank diskette into your A: drive. At the C:\> prompt outside of Windows, type:

    format a: /s

    and press Enter. A message appears asking you to insert a blank diskette into the drive.

    Press Enter to continue. As the diskette is formatted, percentages appear on the screen.

    Once the format is complete, press Enter when prompted for a disk label. Press the N key on the keyboard then press Enter when you are asked to format another diskette.

  2. At the C:\> prompt, type:

    copy config.sys a:

    and press Enter. A message appears saying "1 File(s) copied" and the C:\> prompt appears again.

  3. At the C:\> prompt, type:

    copy autoexec.bat a:

    and press Enter. Again a message appears saying "1 File(s) copied" and the C:\> prompt appears.


  1. The files that you just copied to the A: drive have to be modified in order to install and play the Flight Pack games. Type in


    and press Enter to go to the A:\> prompt.

  2. At the A:\> prompt, type:

    edit config.sys

    and press Enter. This takes you into a blue screen with white writing. The following lines must be modified to match exactly for the games to work properly:

    device=c:\dos\emm386.exe ram 4096 i=b000-b7ff i=e000-efff
    dos=high, umb

  3. Once the above lines match exactly, you need to identify your CD-ROM driver line. You can easily identify your CD-ROM driver line by looking for the letters CD within one of the lines.

    There will also be a /D: followed by the drive identifier on that same line. If you are still unsure of the line, consult the CD-ROM chart at the end of this document. You have to leave the CD-ROM line as it is in order to load and play these games.

  4. The sound card you have in your system may not load any drivers in the CONFIG.SYS file. If you have any lines that have the following references, C:\G2KAUDIO, C:\JAZZ, C:\MVAUDIO, C:\SB16, or C:\VIBRA16, leave these lines as they appear on the screen.

  5. Once you have identified the lines that must be in your CONFIG.SYS file, delete all other lines in the file. Once you have completed this, press the ALT key on the keyboard once to activate the menus. Press the F key once to bring down the File menu, then press the X key to exit. A message appears asking you if you want to save the changes that you just made. The word YES will be highlighted. Press Enter to accept this default and return to the A:\> prompt.


  1. Once you return to the A:\> prompt, type:

    edit autoexec.bat

    and press Enter. This will take you to a blue screen with white writing. The following lines must be modified to match for the game to install and run properly.

    @echo off
    set mouse=c:\msmouse
    lh c:\msmouse\mouse

    Note: Because the directory that your mouse uses may be different, the mouse lines may reference the directory MOUSE instead of MSMOUSE. Do not change the wording in the mouse lines or your mouse will not work in the games.

  2. Once you have modified the lines above as necessary, you need to identify your CD-ROM line. In this file there should be a line with the word MSCDEX or MSCDEX.EXE in the line. Put the letters LH and a space at the beginning of this line.

  3. Now you need to identify the sound card lines in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. You will see a SET BLASTER line that should remain the same. In addition to this line, you may also have other lines that say SET SOUND, SET GALAXY, SET MIDI, SET SNDSCAPE, C:\SB16, C:\G2KAUDIO, or C:\SNDSCAPE. If you see any of these lines, they also need to be present for your sound card to work properly.

  4. Once you have identified the lines that need to remain in the autoexec.bat file, delete all other lines. Once you have completed this, press the ALT key on the keyboard once to activate the menus. Press the F key once to bring down the File menu, then press the X key to exit. A message will appear asking you if you want to save the changes that you just made. The word YES will be highlighted. Press Enter to accept this default and return to the A:\> prompt.

Your boot diskette in now ready to use to install and play your Flight Pack Games.

Comanche Maximum Overkill and Tactical Fighter Experiment/TFX

  1. Once you have created the boot diskette following the instructions above, you need another diskette. At the C:\> prompt in DOS, type:

    diskcopy a: a:

    and press Enter. The screen asks you to insert the source diskette into the A: drive. Insert the Flight Pack diskette you just created into the A: drive and press Enter.

  2. Once the system has copied the information into memory, the screen asks you to insert the target diskette into the A: drive. Remove the first diskette and insert the blank diskette into the A: drive. Press Enter when you have the diskette inserted.

  3. When the copying process is complete, you are asked to make another duplicate diskette. Press the N key on the keyboard and the C:\> prompt appears again.

  4. At the C:\> prompt, type:


    and press Enter. At the A:\> prompt, type:

    edit config.sys

    and press Enter. A blue screen with white writing will appear. Locate the line that reads

    device=c:\dos\emm386.exe ram 4096 i=b000-b7ff i=e000-efff

    and use the arrow keys on the keyboard to put the blinking cursor under the first "d" in the line. Press the delete key on the keyboard until the entire line disappears. Once the line is gone, press the delete key one more time to move the next line up and get rid of the space.

  5. Once you have completed this step, press the ALT key on the keyboard once to activate the menus. Press the F key once to bring down the File menu, then press the X key to exit. A message appears asking you if you want to save the changes that you just made. The word YES will be highlighted. Press Enter to accept this default and return to the A:\> prompt.

Your boot diskette is now ready to install and play Comanche Maximum Overkill.


Since this game can be played in Windows, no special boot diskette is required. However, DO NOT use the boot disk maker option in this group. It does not work.

CD-ROM Driver Lines
This chart contains the device driver name for the CD-ROM line in the CONFIG.SYS file. One of the words under the Device Driver Name column will be referenced on that line. This chart does not contain the full line that appears in the CONFIG.SYS file and is meant only for comparison.
CD-ROM Type Device Driver Name
Sony CD-ROM driver names SLCD.SYS, ATAPI_CD.SYS
Phillips LMSI CD-ROM driver names DD250.SYS, DD260.SYS
NEC CD-ROM driver name NEC_IDE.SYS

Sound Card Driver Lines
This chart contains the default settings for your sound card drivers in the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files. Because of differences between systems, the line(s) that you have in your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files may not match exactly with the lines listed below. This chart is meant only for comparison.
Sound Card CONFIG.SYS lines (if applicable) AUTOEXEC.BAT Lines
Sound Blaster

set blaster=a220 I5 d1 h5 p330 t6

set sound=c:\sb16

c:\sb16\sb16set /m:220 /voc:220 /cd:220 /midi:220 /line:220 /treble:0

Sound Blaster
Base 16
Vibra 16
device=c:\sb16\drv\csp.sys /p:220 set blaster=a220 I5 h5 p330 t6

set sound=c:\vibra16

set midi=synth:1 map:e

16 card

c:\g2kaudio\utility\gwbvol /vc:16,16 /vf:16,16 /vl:16,16 /vv:16,16 /mc:e set blaster=a220 I5 d1 t4

set galaxy=a220 I5 d1 k2 p534 t6

set sound=c:\g2kaudio

16mvl card
device=c:\jazz\jazz.sys p220 I5 d1 e5 t330 q2 set blaster=a220 d1 I5 h5 t4
16mv card
device=c:\g2kaudio\jazz.sys p220 I5 d1 e5 t330 q2 set blaster=a220 d1 I5 h5 t4
sound card

set blaster=a220 ixx dx t1

set sndscape=c:\sndscape

c:\sndscape \ssinit /i

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