How to Install the Microsoft Home Bundle CD Titles
The titles included in this document are Fine Artist, Multimedia Works 3.0, Microsoft Golf, Encarta ‘95, and Cinemania ‘95.
Fine Artist
Microsoft Golf
Multimedia Works 3.0
Cinemania ‘95
Encarta ‘95
How to Install Microsoft Fine Artist
This application is installed and accessed through Microsoft Windows.
Installation procedure
- Insert the Fine Artist CD in your CD-ROM drive. From the Program Manager, click on the word File, then click on Run. On the Command line type
and click on OK to begin the installation.
- The Microsoft Kids Setup screen will appear. Click on the button labeled Next to continue with the installation. The upper portion of the screen explains where the software wants to install to. On the bottom of this window, it says "This program will be set up on; C:". Click on the button labeled Next to continue.
- As the software installs, the upper screen looks like a puzzle with the pieces being put in. Once all the puzzle pieces are put together, the final screen informs you that the installation is complete. Click on the button labeled Done to exit and return to the newly created Microsoft Kids group.
- To begin Fine Artist, make sure the CD disc is in the CD-ROM drive. Double click on the Fine Artist icon in the Microsoft Kids group. The first screen will ask you to enter your name. If you have been in the program before, simply click on your name in the box at the bottom of the window.
- The following window will ask you to select your favorite animal. Click on the Next button to continue. The next screen asks you about a nickname if you would rather be called this. Enter the name or click on the Next button to go on.
- You will then be asked if you want to Go straight to Imaginopolis, learn more about Imanginopolis, change where your work gets stored, or go straight to the Painting Studio. Make your selection to continue.
How to Install Microsoft Golf
This game is installed and played through Windows
Installation Instructions
- Insert the Microsoft Golf CD in your CD-ROM drive. From the Program Manager, click on the word File, then click on Run. On the Command Line, type
and press Enter to begin.
- The Microsoft Golf Setup window will appear on your screen. Once you have read through the instructions, click on the Continue button. The Owner Registration window will ask you to enter your name and gender in the appropriate boxes and press the continue button. You will then be asked to confirm the information. Click on the Continue button to proceed.
- The Destination Path window displays the directory the software will install to. C:\MSGOLF appears in the Location box. Click on the Continue button.
- The Copy Options window tells you that it will leave most of the game software on the CD to conserve hard disk space. Read the screen carefully, make your appropriate choices, and click on the Continue button. As the software installs, a brief introduction voice can be heard.
- Once the Installation Successful window appears, click on the OK button to return to the Program Manager. The next screen will inform you of the location and usefulness of the online help and demonstrations. Click on the Continue button. The final screen asks you to Run Microsoft Golf or Return to Windows. The installation is now complete. In the Program Manager you will now have a Microsoft Golf group and a Microsoft Golf icon within this group.
How to Install Microsoft Multimedia Works ver. 3.0
This section contains instructions on how to install and access the introduction to Works and the Tutorial screens.
Installation procedure
- Insert the Microsoft Works CD into your CD-ROM drive. From the Program Manager in Windows, click on the word File, then click on the word Run. On the Command Line, type
and click on OK to begin.
- The Microsoft Works 3.0 Multimedia Edition Setup screen will appear. Once you have read the information in the Microsoft Works 3.0 Setup screen, click on the OK button to continue. Type your Name and Organization in the appropriate boxes in the next window. Click on the OK button when you have finished typing and click on the OK button again to confirm the name you typed in.
- The next screen contains your Microsoft product identification number and information on the licensing agreement with Microsoft. Once you have read the information on this screen, click on the OK button to continue. The screen will pause briefly while the software is looking for installed components.
- The next window will ask you confirm the destination directory for the software. C:\MSWORKS is the default answer. Click on the OK button to accept this answer. After a brief pause, you are asked to choose the type of installation that you want. Click on the Complete Installation button to continue.
- The Choose Program Group window will appear next. The Microsoft Works for Windows group will appear in the Program Group box. Click on the Continue button to accept this answer. As the software installs to the hard drive, messages about the Microsoft Works program will appear in the upper left hand side of the screen and a percentage bar will update on the lower right hand side of the screen. Once the installation is complete, you are prompted to Restart Windows. Click on the Continue button to complete the installation and restart Windows.
- Once you return to windows, a new program group Called Microsoft Works for Windows will appear. Inside this group are four icons: Microsoft Works, Introducing Works, Works Troubleshooting, and Microsoft Works Setup.
Introducing Works - From the Program Manager, double click on the Microsoft Works for Windows group to open it. Make sure that you have the Microsoft Works CD disc in your CD-ROM drive. Double click on the Introducing Works icon to begin the introductory video. This video gives you an overview of the features and functions of Works.
Microsoft Works - From the Program Manager, double click on the Microsoft Works for Windows group to open it. Make sure that you have the Microsoft Works CD disc in your CD-ROM drive. Double click on the Microsoft Works icon to open the program.
How to Install Cinemania ‘95
This application is installed and accessed through Microsoft Windows.
Installation instructions
- Insert the Cinemania ‘95 CD in your CD-ROM drive. From the Program Manager, click on the word File, then click on Run. On the Command Line, type
and click on OK to begin the installation.
- Once the Microsoft Cinemania ‘95 Setup screen appears, read through the information and click on OK to continue with the installation. The Name and Organization Information screen will appear next. Enter the appropriate information and click on OK to continue. Click on OK to confirm your name and organization.
- The next screen informs you where the installation program wants to install the software. Click the OK button to accept the directory of c:\cin95 and continue. Once the performance of your CD-ROM drive is tested, click on the Continue Installation button.
- The next screen asks for the program group to install the Cinemania icons into. Microsoft Multimedia is the default group. Click on the Continue button to accept this group and continue. As the software is copied to the hard drive, a percentage bar is displayed in the lower right hand corner of the screen. The final screen informs you that Cinemania ‘95 was successfully installed. Click on OK to return to the Program Manager.
- To access Cinemania ‘95, make sure the CD is in your CD-ROM drive. Double click on the Microsoft Multimedia group in the Program Manager. Double click on the Cinemania ‘95 icon to begin the program.
How to Install Encarta ‘95
This application is installed and accessed through Microsoft Windows. Installation instructions
- Insert the Encarta ‘95 CD in your CD-ROM drive. From the Program Manager, click on the word File, then click on Run. On the Command Line, type
and click on OK to begin the installation.
- Once the Microsoft Encarta ‘95 Setup screen appears, read through the information and click on OK to continue with the installation. The Name and Organization Information screen will appear next. Enter the appropriate information and click on OK to continue. Click on OK to confirm your name and organization. The next window gives you the Product ID: for your CD. Once you have read through this screen, click on OK to continue.
- The next screen informs you where the installation program wants to install the software. Click the OK button to accept the directory of c:\encarta and continue. The next window asks you if you want the program to run faster on your computer and use more hard drive space, or run slower and use less hard drive space. Click on the Faster Execution button.
- The Choose Program Group window will appear next. Microsoft Multimedia is the default group for this program. Click on the Continue button to accept this group name and resume the installation. As the files are being copied to the hard drive, a percentage bar is displayed in the lower right hand side of the screen. The final screen tells you that Windows need to be restarted for Encarta to run properly. Click on the Restart Windows button to complete the installation and return to the Program Manager.
- To start Encarta ‘95, make sure the CD is in your CD-ROM drive. Double click on the Microsoft Multimedia group in the Program Manager. Double click on the Microsoft Encarta ‘95 icon in the group to begin the program.
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