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How to Install the Sports Pack CDs

These programs have been verified by Gateway 2000 to work with Windows 95. If you have any further questions or problems please contact the software vendor.

This document contains installation instructions for each of the CDs that come with the Sports Pack bundle that you received from Gateway 2000.

All of the games included in the Sports Pack require a minimum of 8MB of RAM, DOS version 6.0 or newer.

These instructions assume that your CD-ROM drive letter name is D and that you do not have a Sanyo 3 Disc Changer.

Note: If you have a Sanyo 3 Disc Changer, place the CDs in the drive with the label side of the disc down.

HardBall 4
Unnecessary Roughness ‘95
FIFA International Soccer
NHL Hockey ‘95
PGA Tour Golf 486

HardBall 4

Installation instructions

  1. Insert the HardBall 4 CD in your CD-ROM drive with the label side up. In Windows 95 under the Start button click Run then type:


    and press Enter to begin the software installation procedure.
  2. A baseball stadium picture appears on the screen and your mouse pointer appears as a baseball with an arrow pointing out of it. Make sure the Path box says C:\HB4 and click on Install.
  3. The bottom of the screen displays a Progress window with a baseball indicating the percentage of the software that is complete.
  4. Once the software has finished you are in the Setup window. Click the Sound/Music box to configure your sound card for the game. In the Digital Audio Driver window, use the arrow keys on your keyboard to highlight SoundBlaster Pro (8-bit Stereo) if you have a Vibra 16 sound card or highlight Ensoniq Soundscape (16-bit Stereo) if you have an Ensoniq sound card. Click on the Test button on the right hand side of the screen and you should hear a voice say, "Strike Three."
  5. In the MIDI Music Driver window, use the arrow keys on the keyboard to select Sound Blaster Pro (OPL-3) if you have a Vibra 16 sound card or highlight Ensoniq Soundscape (MPU-401/General MIDI) if you have an Ensoniq sound card. Click on the Test button on the lower right and you should hear organ music.
  6. Once you make the appropriate changes, click on the OK button to return to the Setup window. Click on OK again to enter the game.
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions and manual for further instructions.

Note: If you have technical difficulties after installing this game, contact Accolade at (408) 296-8400 from 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday-Thursday and 9:00am - 5:00pm Friday PST.

Unnecessary Roughness ‘95

Software Installation

  1. Insert the Unnecessary Roughness ‘95 CD in your CD-ROM drive with the label side up. In Windows 95 under the Start button click Run then type:


    and press Enter to begin the software installation procedure.
  2. The first screen informs you that the program installs on your hard drive in the C:\UR95PC directory. At the bottom of this window "Is this correct?" appears with a flashing prompt (Type Y or N). Press the Y key on your keyboard to proceed.
  3. The copying files window appears with a bar that show the progress of the installation. The final screen informs you that on initially entering the program, you need to run Setup to configure your game to the sound card that you have. Press any key to continue.
  4. The Testing for Sound Card screen attempts detect your sound card. Once it has finished identifying your card, the final screen appears. Exit and save configuration is highlighted and flashing. Press Enter and the Creating Teams window appears briefly as the information is copied to your hard drive.
  5. To enter the game in Windows '95, double click on My Computer, next double click on c:, then double click on the UR95 folder, finally double click on the UR95 icon. Once you enter the game, follow the on-screen instructions and the manual that came with the game.

Note: If you have technical difficulties after installing this game, contact Accolade at (408) 296-8400 from 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday-Thursday and 9:00am - 5:00pm Friday PST.


Software Installation

  1. Insert the NASCAR Racing CD in your CD-ROM drive with the label side up. In Windows 95 under the Start menu click Run then type:


    and press Enter to begin the software installation procedure.
  2. The Welcome to the NASCAR Racing CD-ROM Install Program appears. The first line tells you the program installs to the C: drive. Press Enter to accept this answer. The next line informs you this program creates the \NASCAR directory. Press Enter to accept this default answer.
  3. A window appears that prompts you for a CD-ROM Installation as default. Press Enter to accept this answer. As the files are copied to your hard drive, a listing scrolls on the screen. Once the program is finished copying, the Installation successful screen appears. Press Enter to acknowledge this message.
  4. The next window highlights Change Sound Card setting. Press Enter to select your sound card. On the next screen, use the arrow keys to highlight Sound Blaster 8 Stereo if you have a Vibra 16 sound card or Ensoniq SoundScape 8 Stereo if you have an Ensoniq sound card.
  5. Press Enter to select your sound card and proceed to the Sound Blaster 8 Stereo or Ensoniq SoundScape 8 Stereo screen. Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to highlight the IRQ setting and press the delete key once to delete the number 7 and type in the number 5.
  6. Press Enter twice to proceed to the MIDI sound card setting screen. If you have a Vibra 16, use the arrow keys to highlight FM Synthesis - OPL Chip or if you have an Ensoniq sound card, use the arrow keys to highlight General MIDI/MPU-401 Port. Press Enter to proceed to the Port setting screen and press Enter to accept the default setting.
  7. To enter the game, in Windows '95, double click on My Computer, next double click on C:, then double click on the Nascar folder, finally double click on the Nascar icon. Once you enter the game, follow the on-screen instructions and the manual that came with the game.

Note: If you have technical difficulties after installing this game, contact Papyrus at (617) 868-3103 from 9:00am - 10:00pm EST.

FIFA International Soccer

Software Installation

  1. Insert the FIFA International Soccer CD into your CD-ROM drive. In Windows 95 under the Start button click Run, then type:


    and press Enter to begin the installation procedure.
  2. The first screen asks you which type of installation you prefer. Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to highlight Install 8 MB RAM Version and press Enter to select it. The next screen prompts you to Please Choose Your Installation Directory. In the space below this you see C:\FIFA in the square brackets. Press Enter to accept this default directory.
  3. As the files are being copied to your hard drive, a black screen with white writing scrolls the file names across the screen. The Configure Sound cards window appears next. Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to highlight Quit and press Enter to accept the default sound card selection.
  4. You are again be at the first installation screen. Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to highlight Exit Installation and press Enter to return to DOS and complete the installation.
  5. To enter the game, in Windows 95, double click on My Computer, next double click on c:, then double click on the Fifa folder, finally double click on the Fifa icon. Once you enter the game, follow the on-screen instructions and the manual that came with the game.

Note: If you have technical difficulties after installing this game, contact Electronic Arts at (415) 572-2787 from 8:30am - 4:30pm PST.

NHL Hockey ‘95

Software Installation

  1. Insert the NHL Hockey ‘95 CD in your CD-ROM drive. In Windows '95 under the Start button click Run, then type:


    and press Enter to begin the software installation.
  2. On the first screen, titled NHL Hockey ‘95 Installation, you are prompted for the type of installation. Press the number 2 on your keyboard to select Recommended. You are then prompted for the hard drive to install to. Press Enter to accept the default answer C:. Press Enter to accept this and continue.
  3. The next portion calculates the amount of disk space the software needs. At the bottom of the screen prompts you for the default Destination Path of C:\HOCKEY. Press Enter to accept this directory and continue.
  4. The Sound Card Selection menu appears next. Type the number 4 on your keyboard to select Sound Blaster. Press Enter to install the software on your hard drive. As the files are copied to the hard drive, a percentage bar appears at the top of the screen.
  5. To enter the game, in Windows '95 double click on My Computer, next double click on c:, then double click on the Hockey folder, finally double click on the Hockey icon. Once you enter the game, follow the on-screen instructions and the manual that came with the game.

Note: If you have technical difficulties after installing this game, contact Electronic Arts at (415) 572-2787 from 8:30am - 4:30pm PST.

PGA Tour Golf 486

Software Installation

  1. Insert the PGA Tour Golf 486 CD in your CD-ROM drive. In Windows '95 under the Start button click Run, then type:


    and press Enter to begin the software installation.
  2. The first screen prompts you for the installation directory. Press Enter to accept the default directory of C:\PGA486 and continue. The software copies onto your hard drive and returns you to Windows '95.
  3. To enter the game in Windows '95 double click on My Computer. Next double click on c:, then double click on the PGA486 folder. Finally double click on the PGA468 icon. Once you enter the game, follow the on-screen instructions and the manual that came with the game.

Note: If you have technical difficulties after installing this game, contact Electronic Arts at (415) 572-2787 from 8:30am - 4:30pm PST.

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