How to Clean Sticky Keyboard Keys
If there are keys on the keyboard which are not returning to their original position, they’re most likely dirty. Below are step by step instructions on how to clean a dirty keyboard.
- Obtain a container of alcohol, preferably isopropyl or something similiar.
- Shut the computer off and unplug the keyboard.
- Using a letter opener or similiar implement, gently pry the keys off. Make sure you know where each key goes, or clean them one at a time.
- The only one that will not come off in that exact manner is the space bar. This one has two hooks on the underside. Note how it goes on and off so it may be easily replaced.
- Soak a cotton swab with alcohol and use it to clean the keys and plungers.
- Let the keyboard fully dry before using it.
In most cases this will clear the dirt and make the keyboard fully operational again. If this doesn’t work, the keyboard will have to be replaced for normal operation.
If there is any other physical defect with the keyboard, such as a broken key, contact Customer Support for a replacement. A keyboard under warranty will be fully covered. Otherwise, any replacement parts must be purchased.
Note: Under no circumstances will the keyboard be replaced for sticky keys unless an attempt is made to clean it first.
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