Guidelines for Configuring MS-DOS Based Games with the Creative Labs SoundBlaster Sound Cards.
The following document describes how to configure MS-DOS based games with the Creative Labs SoundBlaster sound cards in Windows 95. This document assumes that you have already loaded the protected mode drivers for the sound card and the card functions properly in Windows 95. The drivers for the SoundBlaster cards can be found on the Windows 95 CD in the \drivers\other\creative\sb16-awe sub-directory.
Finding Your Sound Card Settings
Many games require that you know the hardware settings of your sound card in order install the game. To find the settings of your SoundBlaster perform the following:
- Open the Control Panel,
- Double click System,
- Choose the Device Manager tab
- Select the Sound, Video and Game Controllers options.
- This will display the installed Creative Labs Sound Blaster 16 Plug and Play.
- Click the Creative Labs Sound Blaster 16 Plug and Play, then click Properties.
- Click the Resources tab. This will display the settings for the card.
Installing the Program
Once you have found the settings of the card it is time to run the installation program for your game. This can be done from the Add New Programs wizard in the Control Panel, if the installation program is in the root directory of the diskette or CD-ROM from which you are installing. Once you have located the install program, click on the Finish button to start the installation program.
During the course of the installation program you may be asked questions about the hardware in your system. You will have all the settings you need from the procedure above. Most games have a setting "SoundBlaster and Compatibles" or "Creative Labs SoundBlaster" or words to that effect. This will give satisfactory results for the Creative Labs sound cards sold by Gateway 2000.
Running the Program
After you have finished installing the program, run the program:
- Right Click on the My Computer icon. Then choose Explore.
- Double click on the drive letter to which the application was installed.
- Then double click on the directory to which it was installed.
- Find the executable file (click view, then details) and look for the word application on the right side.
- Double click the icon.
If program runs correctly, do not continue with the steps listed below. Instead, go to the end of this document where icons and shortcuts are discussed.
If the program is not running correctly, you may need to modify the MS-DOS Mode configuration to make the game work. Follow the steps below:
- Right Click on the My Computer icon. Then choose Explore.
- Double click on the drive letter the application was installed to and then double click on the directory.
- Find the executable, (click view, then details) and look for the word application on the right side of the screen, right click then choose Properties.
- Choose the Program tab and then click on the Advanced button.
- Click on MS-DOS mode and then Specify a new MS-DOS configuration.
- The lines you will add depend on the exact model of sound card being used. Cards can be easily identified by looking at the back of the computer.
If your sound card has a volume wheel on its back, add the following lines:
Note: The next line is needed if your game requires EMS
Note: The next line should be used for games that do not need EMS
Note: SB16 represents the directory the sound drivers were installed in
Note: This line can be copied from your config.dos file, it depends on the CD-ROM drive you have - our example shows a NEC dual speed
Note: The line listed below must be here if Plug-n-Play cards are installed, otherwise it is not needed.
SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 T6
C:\SB16\SB16SET /M:20 /VOC:220 /CD:220 /MIDI:220 /LINE:220 /TREBLE:220
If your card does not have a volume wheel, add the following lines:
Note: This line is needed if your game requires EMS
Note: This line is used for games that do not need EMS
Note: The next line can be copied from your config.dos file, it will depend on the particular CD-ROM drive being used in the system - our example shows an NEC dual speed
Note: The line listed below must be here if Plug-n-Play cards are installed, otherwise it is not needed.
SET BLASTER=A220 I5 H5 P330 T6
- Click on the OK button. On the Properties screen, click on OK.
- An icon will be created, double click the icon to start the game.
Icons & Shortcuts
The MS-DOS icon created above, can be moved to the desktop or a folder, for the customerís convenience. Simply drag and drop the icon to itís new location with the mouse. You can copy the icon by holding down the control key as you drag the icon to a different location. You can also drag the icon from the desktop to the Start button and drop it. A shortcut will be created for you on the Start Menu.
Other material can be found in the following documents.
How to enable MS-DOS support for IDE CD-ROMS
How do I add items to the Start Menu?
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