Backing up the FaxWorks directory
Once Faxworks Call Center is closed, follow the directions below to create a temporary home for your backup:
- Right click the My Computer icon in the upper left hand corner of the screen. Click the word Explore that appears on the menu. Highlight the C: drive. Look on the right hand side of the screen for a folder named temp. If you already have a temp folder, there is no need to complete this step. If you do not see the temp folder, click the mouse on the word File at the top of the Explorer window. Click the word New that appears on the menu. Click the word Folder that appears on the final menu. A New Folder appears highlighted at the bottom of the right hand screen. Type:
then press Enter.
- Right click the FaxWorks folder, which should be located on the right hand side of the screen. Click the word Copy that appears on the menu. Then move the mouse over the temp folder and Right click the folder. A menu will appear, click the word Paste which appears on the menu. This action should copy files from the FaxWorks directory to the temp directory.
- The necessary files in FaxWorks are now replicated in the C:\TEMP directory, and FaxWorks can now be deleted and re-installed.
Resolving the problem
Perform the FaxWorks uninstall. Usually this task is performed by using the FaxWorks uninstall icon. Re-install FaxWorks using the installation diskettes or the Information Highway CD-ROM. Verify that the problem you were experiencing is solved.
Restoring FaxWorks Phone books, personalized greetings, downloaded files, voice messages, and faxes
- Right click the My Computer icon in the upper left hand corner of the screen. Click the word Explore that appears on the menu. Highlight the C: drive. Look on the right hand side of the screen for a folder named temp. Click the + symbol next to the Temp folder. The FaxWorks folder should appear. Highlight the FaxWorks folder. The FaxWorks directory structure should appear on the right hand side of the screen.
- If you have several phone book entries and you would like to retain your phone book, Right click the file named FX_PHBK.DAT and click the word Copy that appears on the menu. Next find the new FaxWorks Folder. It should be located above the Temp folder. Right click on the FaxWorks folder and click the word Paste on the menu that appears. You will be prompted to overwrite the file, select Yes.
- Repeat step number 2 above for anything else you would like to retain from the old installation. The main goal is to copy the appropriate files back to their respective directories. Step 2 indicates how to restore a file. Another example would be restoring an entire directory. If you had personalized greetings you may want to restore the C:\Temp\FaxWorks\Greeting folder to the new C:\FaxWorks\Greeting directory. To perform this task follow step number 4.
- Right click the folder named GREETING (this folder will be located below the Temp folder) and click the word Copy that appears on the menu. Next find the new FaxWorks Folder. It should be located above the Temp folder. Right click on the FaxWorks folder and click the word Paste on the menu that appears. You will be prompted to overwrite the file, select Yes To All.
- Repeat step 4 for any other directories which you would like to retain. Use the following table to decide which directories you would like to restore.
FaxWorks Folder Structure Description of the files located in the directory of folder C:\FAXWORKS\DOWNLOAD Files downloaded from a BBS or another host are stored in this directory. C:\FAXWORKS\GREETING All pre-recorded voice greetings and newly recorded mailbox greetings are stored in this directory. New mailbox greetings are GRTXXXX.VMF where XXXX is the mailbox number. C:\FAXWORKS\VOICENEW New voice messages for all mailboxes, that have not been heard, are stored in this directory. C:\FAXWORKS\VOICEOLD Once messages are heard and saved, FaxWorks moves them from VOICENEW sub-directory to the VOICEOLD sub-directory. C:\FAXWORKS\FOD All Fax on Demand, Private Fax on Demand, Message Retrieval, and Document Retrieval files are stored in this directory. C:\FAXWORKS\GRAPHICS FaxWorks cover sheets are stored in this directory. C:\FAXWORKS\QUEUEIN Newly received faxes that have not been viewed are stored in this directory. C:\FAXWORKS\RECEIVE Once new faxes are viewed, they are moved from the QUEUEIN sub-directory to the RECEIVE sub-directory. C:\FAXWORKS\QUEUEOUT Scheduled or pending faxes are located in this directory. C:\FAXWORKS\SEND Sent or aborted faxes are located in this directory. C:\FAXWORKS\HOST When FaxWorks is in host mode, users have access to this sub-directory. C:FAXWORKS\UPLOAD When uploading files to a BBS or another host, the files you are sending are in this directory. C:\FAXWORKS\SCRIPTS Script files for major BBS, and new script files are stored in this directory. C:\FAXWORKS\FX_PHBK.DAT This file is a database that contains phone book entries. The information in these articles is provided "as-is" without warranty of any kind, and all warranties are hereby disclaimed, whether express or implied, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. GATEWAY® 2000 will not be liable for any damages whatsoever, whether direct, special, indirect, incidental, or consequential (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of, or related to your use of, or inability to use the information in any such article,even if advised of the possibility of such damages. Because some states and jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you. You may not further distribute, reproduce, rent, sell, transfer or license these articles.
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