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Getting Started, What is ARexx?

ARexx is the Amiga port of the IBM Rexx programing language. The ARexx language can act as a middle man between wich applications with ARexx ports can exchange information and commands. ARexx is an interpreted language that uses ASCII file input. TheARexx interpreter is the RexxMast program, located in the system drawer of your workbench. RexxMast monitors the execution of a program and if it finds an error halts the process and displays an error message.

Nifty, how do I start ARexx?

ARexx can be started in three difrent ways:

1. Drop the RexxMast program into your WbStartup drawer.

2. Place it in your Startup-sequence

Open a text editor and open S:user-startup
At the bottom of the file type in REXXMAST >NIL: and press enter
Save the file, then reboot your Amiga.

3. From the command line (CLI): Just type REXXMAST >NIL: and press return.

About and running ARexx Programs:

ARexx programs are normally stored in the REXX: directory ( which is normally assigned to the S:directory). you can store programs in either directory though normally you should store them in the REXX directory for these reasons:

  1. You can run the programs with out typing the complete path.
  2. All of your ARexx programs will be in the same place.
  3. Most applications search for ARexx programs in this location.

Although you can name your ARexx program anything you wish it is normally best to keep to a certain pattern to make prgram management easier. Programs run from the shell should have a .rexx extension to distinguish them from other files.

The RX command is used to run an ARexx program. If a complete path is inclided with the program name, only that directory is searched for the program. If no path is included the current directory and the REXX: directory are searched.

As long as the program is included in the REXX: directory then you do not need to include the extension when specifying the program name. for example Rx myfile.rexx is the same as rx myfile.

An ARexx program can be run from the Workbench by creating a Tool or Project .ICON for the program.

When the icon is double clicked upon the script/program is started as is RexxMast also started if it is not already started.

Two tool types can also be entered in the Icon Information window, these are:

  1. Console - To specify a window.
  2. CMD - to specify a command string.

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