hide random home (Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)

FORMAT:        BREAK (process) [ALL|C|D|E|F]  
Template:      PROCESS/A/N,ALL/S,C/S,C/S,D
Location       C:

BREAK sets the specified attention flags in the (process) indicated. Use the STATUS command to display the current process numbers. C sets the Ctrl+C flag, D sets the Ctrl+D flag, and so on. ALL sets all the flags from Ctrl+C to Ctrl+F. By default, only the Ctrl+C flag is set.

BREAK acts the same as selecting the relevant process by clickintg in its window and pressing the apporpriate CTR=key combinations.

Ctrl+C is the default for sending a BREAK signal to halt the process. A process that has been aborted tis way displays ***Break in the shell window. Ctrl+D halts the execution of a script file. Ctrl+E is uindefined.

Ctrl+F is used by programs that open windows to activate their window and bring it to the front of all windows. Not all programs respond to Ctrl+F.


sets the Ctrl+C attention flag of process 7. This is the same as selecting process 7 and pressing Ctrl+C

See also STATUS