The Locale Directory Locale is where the Amiga looks for language and country files when it needs to display non-english text. On floppy based systems Locale: is the locale floppy and on hard disk equiped Amiga systems it is the SYS:locale directory.
Locale contains four sub-directories, these are:
Countries - Contains a .country file for all avialable countries. these files hold country specific information, such as date/time format and monetary symbols.
Languages - Contains a .language file for the avialable languages. These files contain general language specific information, such as the days of the week.
Catalogs - Contains subdirectories for the available languages, each of which contains a sys directory. This directory holds translated text fo that language. Catalogs/<language>/sys holds menu, gadget, and message text for that language.
Help - Contains subdirectories for the available languages, each of which contains a sys directory. This directory holds translated text fo that language. Help/<language>/sys is reserved for AmigaGuide text files for any applications that have Amigaguide help in that language.
See also Locale Preferences Editor