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IControl Preference Editor
Allows you to change settings such as screen drag, mode promotion, text gadget filter, avoid flicker, and screen menu snap.



Screen Drag

The Screen Drag option specifies other key combinations that can be used in addition to or instead of the the left Amiga key as the qualifying key. Available keys are Shift, Ctrl, Left Amiga, and Alt.

Screen Menu Snap

Screen menu snap is provided for users who work with screens which are larger then the display area of their monitors.

Text Gadget Filter

The Text Gadget Filter affects wheather control characters function as editing commands when entered into a text gadget. Standard control characters are listed below:

When this option is toggled entering one of these control characters has the function mentioned above.

Avoid Flicker

The avoid flicker option prevents the screens from becoming interlaced when the front screen is pulled down to reveal it.

Mode Promotion

Allows for the promotion of NTSC/PAL modes to higher screen resolutions.
