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Input Preference Editor
The Input Editor is used For changing mouse speeds, Keymaps, and keyboard repeat speeds. These options are listed below.



Mouse Speed

The Mouse speed slider determines how fast the mouse pointer moves across the screen relative to mouse movement. There are three levels of speed from 1 being the slowest and 3 being the fastest.


The acceleration option is moving the pointer fast over larger screens.

Double Click Delay

This option determines how fast you click to register a double click. The range is from 1 to 200 where 1 is the least and 200 is the most.

Key Repeat Rate

The key repeat slider determines how quickly the keys repeat after an initial press. The range is from 1 to 125, 1 being the slowest and 125 being the fastest.

Keyboard Type

The Keyboard option lets you select the keymap of your choice for your system. The default is USA. Choosing a new keymap activates that keymap in the DEVS/Keymaps drawer. Available Keymaps are:

GB BritishCDN Canadien FrancaisDKDansk
DDeutsh USA2DVorakEEspanol
NNorskIItaliana F Francis
POPorugues CH2Schweiz Ch1Suisse

If your keyboard type is not listed then it needs to be installed into the Devs/keymaps drawer on your system drive. 
