KICKSTARTS: 2.04 ROM's came with all Amiga 3000T's. 3.1 This is available as an upgrade ROM chips are a pair of 40 pin DIPs. CPU: 68030 at 25MHz 68040 at 25MHz FPU: 68882 at 25MHz or 68040 built in FPU CHIPS: Denise - 8373 SuperDenise Paula - Standard Paula Agnus - 8372B Agnus for 2 meg CHIP RAM Gary - Fat Gary Amber - De-interlacing chip to provide 31KHz video Buster - SuperBuster -07, -09 and -11 DMAC - SuperDMAC -02, -04 Ramsey - Ramsey -04 and -07 RAM: CHIP RAM Uses 256k ZIP DRAM for up to 2 megabytes FAST RAM uses 1x4 Static Column OR Page Mode ZIP DRAM for up to 16 Megabytes or FAST RAM uses 256x4 Static Column OR Page Mode ZIP DRAM up to 4 Megabytes or FAST RAM uses 44256 DRAM DIPs for 1 Megabyte of FAST RAM. May not be used in conjuction with ZIPs. PORTS: 15KHz Video 31KHz Video External Disk drive Parallel Port External SCSI Connector Serial Port Mouse/Joystick ports 5-pin DIN Keyboard Port Left and Right RCA Audio SLOTS: 1 Video Slot In line with ZorroIII slot 1 xxx pin CPU slot 5 ZorroII/III 16/32-bit Expansion slots 2 16-bit ISA slots (for use with BridgeBoard Devices) inline with ZorroIII slots MOTHERBOARD REVISIONS: Unknown. 68040 version shipped with a Commodore 3640 040 card in the CPU SLOT and removed the 68030CPU and 68882FPU from the motherboard.