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National Amiga Specials 951010

Week of October 10th, 1995 (951010)

Another busy week. Tonnes of faxes from distributors all over North
America with new prices lists. The Amiga market is definately on it's
way up these days. I have 5 distributors in North America alone who
say they are going to be selling the new Amigas, but none of them have
a firm price on them yet. You can be sure, as soon as I find out,
so will you.

                   N E W   G V P   H A R D - W A R E
1 Meg SIMM-32 60ns................................................$99.95
4 Meg SIMM-32 60ns...............................................$299.95
16 Meg SIMM-32 60ns.............................................$1099.95
G-Lock NTSC......................................................$399.95
I/O Extender (2 serial, 1 parallel)..............................$169.95
4008 ZorroII SCSI/RAM Interface..................................$209.95

                            H A R D W A R E 
CD32 (new with 80 day warranty!).................................$399.95
WD SCSI -08 Chip..................................................$49.95
Dell High Density Floppy Drive (one left at this price!).........$159.95
SCSI-TV SCSI Interface for CDTV (with 2.5" drive adapter)........$199.95
SCSI-TV A570 SCSI Interface for A570 (with 2.5" Drive Adapter)...$209.95
PicassoII 2 meg ZorroII Graphics Card (new low price!!)..........$549.95
Ariadne ZorroII Ethernet Card (with 2 parallel ports and AmiTCP).$409.95
AmiTCP/IP v4.....................................................$149.95
APC BackUPS 600VA (while quantities last)........................$299.95
DataFlyer XDS 1200 External IDE Box for 3.5" IDE Hard-Drive......$139.95

                            S O F T W A R E
Final Writer 4...................................................$159.95
Family Connections Family Tree....................................$19.95
dataMIX CD-ROM (fonts, graphics, objects, MODs, sounds)...........$19.95
PhotoGenics 1.252................................................$149.95

               C A B L E S   A N D   C O N N E C T O R S
CD32 Network Cable and CD-ROM.....................................$84.95
A2000 to A4000 Keyboard Adaptor...................................$19.95
DB23 Solder Type Connector (male or female)........................$2.50
1084/1080 Monitor Cable 23M to 9F.................................$29.95
1084 Monitor Cable 23M to 9M......................................$29.95
1084 Magnavox Cable 23M to round din..............................$29.95

     U S E D   H A R D W A R E   -   3 0   D A Y   W A R R A N T Y
PP&S Mercury 040 and 16 meg RAM for 3000 and 3000T..............$1499.95
Amiga 3000T, 6 meg RAM, 245 meg Hard-Drive......................$2299.95
Video Toaster 2000 with 2.0 Software............................$1649.95
32-meg Non-parity 72-pin SIMM...................................$1149.95
Commodore 1960 Monitor...........................................$399.95
X-Calibur 4000 (faster RAM bus for the Amiga 4000, like WE4028)..$399.95
DPS Personal TBC.................................................$599.95
Commodore 2058 8 meg RAM Expansion with 4 meg populated..........$199.95
Imprimis 170 Meg SCSI 5.25"HH Hard-Drive..........................$79.95

              C O M I N G   S O O N   -   B O O K   N O W!
Aminet 8 CD-ROM...................................................$39.95
Goldfish Volume 3.................................................$39.95
DKB Wildfire 060 Accelerator for the 2000.........................xxxxxx

      N E W   D E S K T O P   I M A G E S   V I D E O   T A P E S
Great Toaster Graphics............................................$59.95
Spacecraft Modeling Design........................................$59.95
Spacecraft Surface Techniques.....................................$59.95

All prices in Canadian dollars. Pricing and availability subject to
change without notice. Ask for our terms and policies.

-> 200 WATTS FOR $50
  * I'll be manufacturing power supplies for Amiga 500/600/1200 and CD32's.
  * 200 WATTs for $50? Sound worth it? I might even be able to fit one in
  * a desktop 3000. Not only can it power your machine, but it will also
  * power any extra floppy drives and hard-drives you have added to your
  * system.