(Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)
CD32 Expansion Port
CD32 Expansion Port
Here's a short description of what signals can be found on the
expansion port of the CD32. The connector itself is a the same
as used for the PCs 32-bit MCA (Micro Channel Adaptor) bus. It should
have 182 pins. Please use this information at your own risk, I
can in no way guarantee that the information is correct and I
will not repair/fix/pay for your damaged unit.
## CD32 Expansion port info. 1994-07-05 ##
## ##
2 84___86 182 |--- TOP
//////////////////////////// //////////////////////////// v
/==========================/ /==========================/
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
1 83 85 181 |___ BOT
Pin # Name Comment
Pin 1 A31 Probably not connected since 68EC020
| | |
Pin 8 A24 Probably not connected since 68EC020
Pin 9 DGND
Pin 10 VCC
Pin 11 A23 Address bus
| | |
Pin 18 A16 |
Pin 19 DGND
Pin 20 VCC
Pin 21 A15 |
| | |
Pin 28 A8 |
Pin 29 DGND
Pin 30 VCC
Pin 31 A7 |
| | |
Pin 38 A0 Address bus
Pin 39 DGND
Pin 40 VCC
Pin 41 D31 Data bus
| | |
Pin 48 D24 |
Pin 49 DGND
Pin 50 VCC
Pin 51 D23 |
| | |
Pin 58 D16 |
Pin 59 DGND
Pin 60 VCC
Pin 61 D15 |
| | |
Pin 68 D8 |
Pin 69 DGND
Pin 70 VCC
Pin 71 D7 |
| | |
Pin 78 D0 Data bus
Pin 79 DGND
Pin 80 VCC
Pin 81 IPL2* Interrupt Priority Level
Pin 82 IPL1* |
Pin 83 IPL0* Interrupt Priority Level
Pin 84
Pin 85 RST* Master Reset of whole unit??????
Pin 86 HALT* Halt processor
Pin 87 ECS* Not implemented on 68EC020
Pin 88 OCS* Not implemented on 68EC020
Pin 89 SIZE1 Indicates number of bytes remaining to transfer
Pin 90 SIZE0 Indicates number of bytes remaining to transfer
Pin 91 AS* Adress strobe
Pin 92 DS* Data strobe
Pin 93 R/W* Read/Write
Pin 94 BERR* Buss Error
Pin 95
Pin 96 AVEC* Autovector request during interrupt acknowledge
Pin 97 DSACK1* Data transfer and size acknowledge
Pin 98 DSACK0* Data transfer and size acknowledge
Pin101 DGND
Pin102 VCC
Pin103 FC2 Function codes
Pin104 FC1 Function codes
Pin105 FC0 Function codes
Pin111 CPU_BR* CPU bus request????
Pin112 EXP_BG* Expansion bus granted????
Pin113 CPU_BG* CPU bus granted????
Pin114 EXP_BR* Expansion bus request
Pin117 PUNT*
Pin118 RESET* 68020 RESET
Pin119 INT2* Generate a level 2 interrupt
Pin120 INT6* Generate a level 6 interrupt
Pin121 KB_CLOCK* Keybord clock
Pin122 KB_DATA* Keybord data
Pin123 FIRE0* Fire buttons
Pin124 FIRE1* |
Pin125 LED* Power On Led ?
Pin126 ACTIVE* Disk active led
Pin127 RXD* Serial data in
Pin128 TXD* Serial data out
Pin129 DKRD* Floppy interface (paula?)
Pin130 DKWD* Floppy interface (paula?)
Pin131 SYSTEM ??????
Pin132 DKWE* Floppy interface (paula?)
Pin133 CONFIG_OUT ??????
Pin135 DGND
Pin136 +12V
Pin137 DGND
Pin138 +12
Pin139 17MHZ FMV inteface ????
Pin140 EXT_AUDIO* ^
Pin141 DA_DATA |
Pin142 MUTE* |
Pin143 DA_LRCLK v
Pin144 DA_BCLK FMV inteface ????
Pin145 DGND
Pin146 VCC
Pin147 DR Digital Red
Pin148 DG Digital Green
Pin149 DB Digital Blue
Pin150 DI Digital Intensity
Pin153 BLANK*
Pin154 PIXELCLK Pixelclock for manipulating RBG data
Pin155 DGND
Pin156 VCC
Pin157 CSYNC* Composite sync
Pin158 CCK_B Color clock ?????
Pin159 HSYNC* Horizontal sync
Pin160 VSYNC* Vertical sync
Pin161 VGND Video ground
Pin162 VGND Video ground
Pin163 AR_EXT Analog Red (Why two of them??)
Pin164 AR Analog Red ^
Pin165 AG_EXT Analog Green |
Pin166 AG Analog Green |
Pin167 AB_EXT Analog Blue v
Pin168 AB Analog Blue (Why two of them??)
Pin169 VGND Video ground
Pin170 VGND Video ground
Pin171 NTSC*
Pin172 XCLKEN* Enable External video clock (Genlock)
Pin173 XCLK External video clock (Genlock)
Pin174 EXT_VIDEO* Disable internal video interfaces
Pin175 DGND
Pin176 VCC
Pin177 AGND
Pin178 +12
Pin179 LEFT_EXT Left sound (Why two of them??)
Pin180 LEFT Left sound |
Pin181 RIGHT_EXT Right sound |
Pin182 RIGHT Right sound (Why two of them??)