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Stutters in Video at Cut Edits

Product: Flyer

Platforms: 2000 3000 3000T 4000 4000T

Problem: video stutters occur at cut edit points during project playback.

These can be overcome by the use of a blank CG key page placed over the cut edit. Thanks to user Kyle Burdette for coming up with this workaround! Here is Kyle's explanation:

I read the long explanation [in the Tech FAQ] about how video stutters can be caused by sequencing digital effects in the Flyer incorrectly. The advice they give works, but severely limits what you can do in your sequences. I posted a message a couple of weeks ago about using a "Blank Key Page" to eliminate video stutters. It basically stated that if you save a blank screen in CG as a key page, this page can be used to "overlap" video transitions and eliminate stutters.

After reading the Newtek FAQ on digital effects, I went back and did some more testing. Using the "Blank Key" technique, I sequenced a project with 20 video clips and 12 random digital effects (in and out) throughout the project without a single stutter. At the risk of being tedious, here is a little "tutorial" to show how it's done. You may want to draw a little crouton map as a visual aid.

Assume you have video clips A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I. Also assume you have used the CG to create a Blank Key Page. In the project sequence, place the video clips in "alphabetical" order. Now place digital effects (some in, some out) after clips A, D, and F. When you play the project, the cuts between clips B-C, C-D, E-F, G-H, and H-I will probably stutter noticeably. Now, place your Blank Key Page after clip B. Set it so that it comes up 3 seconds into clip B, and goes out 2 seconds or so before clip D ends. The cuts between clips B-C and C-D will now play perfectly with no stutter at all.

You can repeat the process throughout the entire project, making sure that every cut transition is "blanketed" by the Blank Key Page. Like I said, I have used this technique on very large projects with dozens of digital in and out effects with 100% success.

I hope I haven't just beaten a dead horse, but stutters were the biggest and most persistent problem we have had to face and I am glad to finally have a solution.

Good Luck!

Kyle Burdette
Action Video"

See Also: "Stutters" or Glitches in Video During Project Playback

Video Toaster FAQs

Amiga 2000Amiga 3000Amiga 3000TAmiga 4000Amiga 4000T

Flyer FAQs

Amiga 2000Amiga 3000Amiga 3000TAmiga 4000Amiga 4000T