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Play Project Generates Error Message

Product: Flyer

Platforms: 2000 3000 3000T 4000 4000T

Problem: Attempt to play project generates error message:

Error - move clip to faster drive


Error - move clip to a video drive.

or there are playback errors, including massive audio stuttering.

1. CD0 is mounted. Solution: Remove CD0 From WBStartup. CD0: is used by ASIM Software.

2. Flyer is being too conservative in estimating the playback requirements. Turn off "Stop Sequence on timing Error", and see if the project will play.

3. One of the Flyer drives does not have space for a required temp file. Check drive space, and remove any unneeded files.

4. A Flyer drive directory which must be accessed by the project has exceeded the +-180 files limit imposed by a bug in the Flyer file system. Check all directories on the Flyer drives, make sure that none have more than about 150 files.

5. A Flyer drive may be corrupt. Corrupt clips or file structure can cause a failure for the sequence to play. A sure sign is if a Flyer drive dismounts after your attempt to play the sequence.

Check clips by scrubbing them in the control panel, looking for a defective or missing field or frame. Remove and redigitize any defective clips.

If the file structure of a drive is defective, then the drive must be reformatted. All data on a corrupt drive is suspect.

6. The SCSI cables are picking up noise from some source, and this is producing errors in the data transfer, and disrupting the sequence playback. Ground loops are especially prone to affect SCSI cables. Ground loops can be eliminated by lifting the ground (use a 3-prong to 2-prong adaptor) on all components of the edit suite except the host computer containing the Toaster/Flyer. Ground will still be carried on the audio and video cables, so you are not ungrounding the equipment in the suite, just eliminating the ground loops.

7. Bad SCSI cables. Replace them.

8. "Not a Video Drive". This can occur if drives are not fully ready when the system binds in the DOSDrivers for the Flyer Drives, or executes FlyerInit. This is common if the drives are housed in the computer hosting the Flyer, or if the user powers up all equipment from a single switch on a power strip. If the drives are in a separate housing, power them up before the Flyer system.

If the drives are housed in the same system as the Flyer, then you may need to do a warm boot after the system has powered up the first time, or you may wish to put a "Wait" command in the Startup-Sequence to create a delay of 20 or 30 seconds just after the "SetPatch" command.

9. "Drive Not Fast Enough" error: the video drive was not short-stroked, and a clip or an A/V temp file has been recorded to an area of the drive which is not capable of the required data transfer rate to play that clip or temp file. Solution: always short-stroke the drive to match the most demanding mode you intend to use. If you will only use use Standard mode, then test the drive and short-stroke for Standard Mode. If you intend to use HQ5, or both Standard and HQ5 modes, then you must test and short-stroke for HQ5.

10. "Drive Not Fast Enough" error, but drive was short-stroked, and had been performing fine. Drive performance characteristics can change over the life of the drive. Re-Test and reformat the drive. A change of just a very few percent may not indicate a problem. A large loss in capability for your tested mode, as for example when a drive which has previously been 90% HQ5 capable drops to only 75%, may be a danger sign that the drive is failing, or that power or cooling in the drive's housing is failing. Check power and cooling issues first. Then suspect drive failure, if these are up to expected performance.

Video Toaster FAQs

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Flyer FAQs

Amiga 2000Amiga 3000Amiga 3000TAmiga 4000Amiga 4000T