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ImageFX Mailing List Documentation - Help File For Users

    The ImageFX mailing list is now hosted directly by Nova Design, Inc. as a forum for dicussions of the techniques and use of their Amiga image processing and special effect package; ImageFX.

    This mailing list should serve as a forum for people to talk about the uses of ImageFX, tricks you can try, general help, etc. Nova Design personnel read the mailing list frequently to provide feedback as well as interacting in ongoing discussions.

    Read the following pages of instructions on the use of the mailing list. While these instructions are extremely complete, the actual use of the mailing list is no more complicated than sending a single piece of email!

    Many thanks to Matt Perry, the founder and original moderator of the ImageFX mailing list, without his efforts, none of this would have ever been possible!


    imagefx - post to the list
    imagefx-response - authentication responses sent here
    imagefx-request - send subscribe/unsubscribe/etc...
    imagefx-errors - (error return for bounces, invisible)

    Many of the requests you make to the list server requires authentication. The list server authenticates a request by emailing a message back to you with a special Subject: line. The message contains complete instructions. You normally Reply the message (such that the original Subject is still in the Subject: header, possibly with an Re: in front of it). You must edit the REJECT clause in the Subject line to say ACCEPT if you want to go ahead and run your original command.

    You must be sure to leave the ID clause intact or the list manager will not be able to authenticate your request.

    The purpose of authentication is to ensure that a valid return email address exists and to disuade spammers from crashing the list. The moderator has the ability to turn on authentication AND moderation for any request, so you may not get an immediate response.


    To subscribe to the mailing list you would send email to: (without quotes) 'imagefx-request@novadesign.com'. The body of the message should contain the keyword 'subsingle' alone or, if you want to subscribe a third party address, the subscribe keyword may be followed by an email address.



    subsingle email@address

    By default, you will be subscribed to the single-message-per-mail version of the list. If you want to subscribe to the digest version, use the 'subscribe' command instead of the 'subsingle' command.


    A Third Party Subscribe occurs when person A subscribes person B rather then just himself. This is normally allowed. The list manager will most likely have recipient verification turned on, which means that person B will be sent an email asking him or her to acknowledge the subscription before that person is actually added to the list.

    If you receive a third party verification request and you do not want to be on the list, simply ignore the mail.


    By default, most lists only allow subscribed addresses to post to the list. You can add other addresses to the list with the 'alias' command sent to 'imagefx-request@novadesign.com'.

    alias email@address

    This allows you to post to the list from another email-address without the list distribution being sent to that address. You can add as many aliases as you like.


    To unsubscribe from the list, send the 'unsubscribe' command. You can also unsubscribe third parties by adding an email address. Send these requests to 'imagefx-request@novadesign.com'.



    unsubscribe email@address

    Note that if you have several list aliases, you should unsubscribe from those aliases as well as the one you are receiving the list on.


    To post, or send, your message to the mailing list, just use your email software to send a message to 'imagefx@novadesign.com'. Your message will be send to everyone on the list automatically.