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 Huge Purchase Plans

Attendees arrive at SIGGRAPH with approved plans to purchase products, systems, and services during the 12-month period following the exhibition. Following SIGGRAPH 95, 72% of attendees planned to spend over $25,000, and 13% planned to spend over a million dollars. Attendee interest indicates that in 1997 purchases in the computer graphics industry will be the strongest in history.

Purchase Plans

 A Broad Range of Industries

Computer graphics is now established as one of several technologies integral to enhancing the productivity and competitiveness of a variety of professionals in a broad range of industries.

 Primary Business of Organization

Advertising/Graphic Design 15%
Software Development 15%
Education 12%
Broadcasting/Communications 7%
Video Production 7%
Government/Military 6%
Research/Development 6%
Manufacturing/Industrial 5%
Computer/Peripherals Mfg 3%
Architecture 3%
Fine Arts 3%
CAE/CAD/CAM/CIR/Robotics 2%
Engineering/Construction 2%
Scientific 2%
Medical/Healthcare 2%
Publisher 2%
Hardware Development 2%
Systems Integration 1%
Finance/Accounting/Banking 1%

 High-Level Excecutives

Presidents and owners make up the largest single group of SIGGRAPH attendees. With their high-level status, they know how to find the information they need to operate successful companies. That's why they look forward to SIGGRAPH 97. This is the essential event that defines the computer graphics industry and its future.


 Buyers You Can't Reach Anywhere Else

Even if you exhibited in these related trade shows in the past year, you still reached only a small percentage of the SIGGRAPH audience. SIGGRAPH attracts a devoted audience of high-quality buyers.

COMDEX Fall 10%
Virtual Reality 3%
E3 1%

 The Main Attraction: What's New

SIGGRAPH attendees know that this is the industry's premier international showcase of the latest computer graphics products and services. They come to SIGGRAPH for one main reason: to see the latest products in the exhibition.

Reasons for Attendance

All demographics were derived from a survey of actual SIGGRAPH 95 registrants conducted by an independent research company, Exposition Research, Inc. of Stamford, Connecticut USA. SIGGRAPH 95 was held in Los Angeles, California, 8-10 August.