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 Island Booths

Booths surrounded by four aisles may construct displays to a maximum height of 20 feet.

 Peninsula Booths

Booths surrounded by three aisles, with a minimum depth of 20 feet, may construct back walls to a maximum height of 16 feet for the full length of the back wall that separates the peninsula booth from one or more neighbors.

 Perimeter Booths

All exhibits located around the perimeter walls of the exhibition halls may construct backwalls to a maximum height of 12 feet. Partitions separating the side of an exhibitor's booth(s) may extend to a maximum height of 12 feet, one-third of the distance from the back wall. In the remaining two-thirds distance to the aisle line, no display material may exceed a height of four feet.

 All Other Booths

In all other booths not defined as an island, peninsula, or perimeter, which includes all booths of any back wall length with one or two adjacent aisles, no display material may exceed a height of eight feet along the back wall line. Side dividing partitions -- panels separating an exhibitor from the neighboring booth(s) -- may extend to a maximum height of eight feet, one-third of the distance from the back wall line. In the remaining two-thirds distance to the aisle line, no display material may exceed a height of four feet.

 General Rules Applying to all Exhibitors

Selling is permitted on the exhibit floor provided exhibitors abide by California state laws and are solely responsible for the collection and remittance of any sales or other taxes. Exhibitors are required to conduct their business in an exemplary manner.

No display material of any kind, including, but not limited to, signs, banners, or logos, may be suspended from the ceiling of the Los Angeles Convention Center.

Exhibitors building special background or side dividers must make certain that the surfaces of such dividers are finished in such a manner as not to be unsightly to exhibitors in adjoining booths.

The Los Angeles Convention Center requires a building and safety permit for displays higher than 12 feet.

The use of sound systems is permissible provided they do not exceed 80 dB.

Souvenirs and literature can only be handed out from within the confines of exhibitors booths.

Balloons are prohibited in the exhibit halls of the Los Angeles Convention Center.

Specific rules and regulations are in effect for two-story displays and/or covered displays. Smoke detectors, sprinkler systems, or fire guards may be required. Contact exhibition management for complete details.

No displays may be dismantled or partially dismantled prior to 3:30 pm Thursday, 7 August (closing date of the SIGGRAPH 97 Exhibition).