(Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)
Thank you for visiting my personal web page. I hope that you find some interesting and fun information here. The World Wide Web is always changing, and so will this page. My favorite web browser is IBrowse for the Amiga, and this page has been created with IBrowse in mind. I have been an Amiga User since the machine hit the market in late 1985. Like many other users I have that undying love for the machine that has survived against all odds. I am currently a member of M.A.C.R.O. (Metro Amiga Computer ResOurce User Group), as well as the Immediate Past President.
Well...let me tell you a little bit about myself. I grew up in beautiful Carmel, New York. After graduating high school, I attended Bryant College, in Smithfield, R.I., Where I received my Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. Having grown tired of the hustle and bustle of the east coast I moved to Phoenix, Az. After a number of years of floating around different areas of the computer industry I landed safely here at SoftWood, Inc., where I work on some very interesting projects with a group of really great people.