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World Wide Walrus
The Walrus' Home
Frame-Free Zone

Made With Amiga

The "World Wide Walrus"


(a.k.a. Udo Schuermann)

The Walrus' Pages
Amiga Info
WebLord, the Page Construction Power Tool
Babylon 5
3D Graphics

Java @ Sun
Blackboard LLC / Java
Save the world?

Table of Contents

About Me
Who am I? and What do I want? will not be answered on my About Page, but I will disclose some stuff about me that might serve as a rough hewn profile. If you're really that interested!

AMIGA ***New***
The Amiga is my computing platform of choice. Despite the fact that the Amiga has been languishing in recent years and seen little or no improvments, it is still more fun to use than Wintel boxes because the the Amiga's system design does not cause the machine to stumble and stutter while you're trying to get work done. Megahertz aren't everything!

Java may not be perfect, and JVM's are still a tad on the slow side, but no other language makes the whole idea of portable network computing so easy. And you ain't seen nothin' yet...!

Babylon 5
Having followed the Babylon 5 story from before the pilot first aired, I have a great deal of respect and admiration for this TV show's creator J.M. Straczynski. Using the captivating stage of a future space station, the show deals with almost every social issue in existence. And rather than insulting the viewer's intelligence or preaching a solution, the stories are woven to provide strong context and reveal that the problems we face today (and will face in the future) are not resolved with cheap platitudes and the quick "solutions" that shallow thinking produces.

3D Graphics ***New***
Being interested in too many things at once, my 3D page is sadly thin at this time. Still, you may find some interesting things there.

I began brewing my own beer in 1993. Less prolific than some home brewers I know, I tend to brew when the fancy strikes, rather than pursuing the ever-full bottle. My Homebrew page has some information on what is involved in brewing your own beer. And maybe you start brewing your own beer and come to realize why a "born on" date on a bottle (or can) of beer is just a stupid marketing gimmick for swill that is already sub-par when it leaves the factory...

Schloß (Castle) Neuschwanstein
Being from Germany and having visited King Ludwig's magnificent dream castle on several occasions, I have collected some images as well as information about Neuschwanstein. The magnificent architecture in these images is enhanced by vibrant, heraldic artwork on the inside.

Ishmael and The B Network
Daniel Quinn's books Ishmael and The Story of B have made me aware of just how critical our problem of overpopulation is. While some "experts" are trying to convince us that the world's population will magically stop growing in 20 years or so, population growth has never stopped in over 10000 years. And if you think we are straining the world's resources now, just wait until there are ten times as many of us on this planet... in as little as another 70 or 80 years.

If sociological concepts revolving around population density interests you, try out the following books by Erich Fromm: Anatomy of Human Destructiveness and Escape from Freedom.

About the Images
This page was created and is maintained by Udo K Schuermann; it has last been updated on Sunday August 03, 1997. If you find something amiss or you have comments, please email me.