Be Newsletter
Issue 53, December 11, 1996
Table of Contents
Newsletter First Anniversary
By Valerie Peyre
The Be Newsletter celebrates its first anniversary this week.
This gives me the opportunity to thank all those at Be and in
the developer community who have contributed to the
Newsletter, and to reflect on how things have changed in the
last year...
1996 was an exciting year at Be - The company has grown
really fast and has gained in popularity.
We've done our best, through the Newsletter, to keep pace and
to communicate the growing interest -- by adding new columns,
finding interesting developers to profile, and letting you
know where we are and what we're doing.
But throughout this excitement, we've tried to keep the
Newsletter focused on its primary goal: To keep our
*developers* informed about Be, the BeOS, and what some
people call the "Be Philosophy."
Developers are important to us -- yes, I know, you've heard
that before. But this is the reality: Our developers are our
future. This doesn't mean that we're passively waiting for
you to do all the work of developing great applications.
Rather, we want to earn your trust -- in our product and our
support -- so that you'll continue to develop on the BeOS.
In addition to providing technical and marketing support for
your efforts, we'll also listen to (and incorporate) your
suggestions for improvements to the OS.
It's our hope that the Newsletter has been part of the
exchange of ideas that has helped Be grow. Since the first
issue a year ago, we've encouraged you to speak about your
work and your experiences with the BeBox. Some of you have
been profiled in the Developer Profile column in the last
year -- we hope to hear from even more of you soon. If you
haven't contributed an article yet, consider this:
On December 6, 1995, the first Be Newsletter -- in hardcopy
-- was printed and mailed to about 300 people. One year
later, we send out our weekly online Newsletter to 8000 Be
subscribers (Forty percent of them are registered Be
Developers). Plus, we count something between 3000 and 5000
Newsletter hits on our website every week...and the numbers
are growing. So, please, send us information to publish your
To conclude, I will let you know that the Be Newsletter is a
%100 percent internal product, and has been a real team
effort. Okay -- it's not always easy to get an engineering
team to write every week...believe me, some of them have
shown great imagination in trying to avoid their assignments
-- chronic amnesia, religious holidays, flowers, lunch -- but
they've all done a great job. Thanks guys!
Thanks also to all the regular columnists (Jean-Louis, Alex,
William, Doug).Two people have been especially helpful: Doug
fulton, who has done incredible work summarizing BeDevTalk
every week and editing sections of the Newsletter in his own
unique style, and Roy West who has also done a lot of very
good work with his weekly editing.
I hope the Be Newsletter will continue to serve and inform
all of you. If you have any comments, please feel free to
send them to
BE ENGINEERING INSIGHTS: The Compute-Bound Be Application
By Rico Tudor
One of the hardest aspects of BeOS programming is making use
of multiple processors within one application. To coax N
CPUs to work for you, the BeApp must create at least N flows-
of-control (threads), and keep them busy. Once created, a
thread that wants to run will be allocated an available CPU
by the BeOS kernel. The trick is factoring a problem into
such threads. For full-screen games, this has been discussed
recently by Pierre's fine article "A Typical Multithreaded
Game Architecture".
This article discusses compute-bound programs in general,
even if they have no graphics component. While BeOS provides
a Posix environment, threads are not available: multiple
threads are, formally speaking, a feature of the BeOS kernel
and the Kits. Therefore, a BeApp is required to maximize CPU
A toy version of the Mandelbrot app is included for
Assuming that your problem is well-defined, the first step is
determining an algorithm. In a uni-processor system,
sequential algorithms will suffice. In the multi-processor
BeBox, this is usually sub-optimal; the desirable algorithm
will be parallel. Unfortunately, such an algorithm may be
difficult to write, difficult to find, or may not even exist.
A simple example is the binary search, which involves
successive comparisons from a sorted array. The next element
to compare depends on the result of the previous comparison,
ruling out a parallel approach.
Another example is the alpha-beta tree search algorithm, used
by complete-information games like chess. If a brute-force
search visits N leaves in the tree, the alpha-beta search can
visit as few as sqrt(N). This staggering improvement is
achieved because certain branches are ignored, based on
earlier search results. To compete, the brute-force
algorithm would need sqrt(N) more CPUs, currently unavailable
in the BeBox product line.
Note that while the search examples above are resistant to
parallel processing, you can perform two separate searches in
parallel. This is the key to multi-threaded programming:
factoring the problem into UNRELATED parts. Unrelated means
there is no interaction, except at the beginning or end.
Fortunately, many problems are inherently parallel.
Scientific and statistical modeling often involves large
numbers of independent calculations on particles, waves,
pixels, bank accounts, etc. This is the easiest problem to
factor, since you write one piece of code and then invoke it,
in parallel, on each piece of data.
A second, more difficult, approach is possible. If the
calculations are not independent, you can form a "pipeline"
of computation, where data flows from one stage to the next.
Each stage grinds on the data in a particular way. Mother
Nature has chosen this approach for the alimentary canal.
The challenge is to design each stage such that the workload
is reasonably balanced, meaning that all CPUs are in use at
all times. Since each stage is itself sequential, no stage
should be disproportionately compute-intensive; data should
be delivered in manageably small increments. A good design
will avoid constipation, and requires the programmer's gut
feeling as much as science. The handy Pulse app provides a
Given space restrictions, this article will avoid the second
approach. The Mandelbrot app is an example of the first
approach: each point in the Mandelbrot set can be calculated
independently of the others. Note that the calculations for
a given point must be sequential.
It is desirable that a long computation be divided into a
sequence of short ones. This allows the computation to be
aborted, allows progress reports, and changing parameters on-
the-fly. Some problems, like Mandelbrot, divide naturally.
In most programming circles, polling is a dirty word. It
conveys the image of a CPU spinning single-mindedly in a
loop, flying in the face of the modern GUI and the modern
multi-tasking OS. Nonetheless, the essence of digital
computation is the poll: if the hardware isn't polling, it's
the kernel; if not the kernel, then the Kits. When you write
compute-bound code, you are polling, too.
Polling may have an explicit form, such as checking the
amount of time expended, or it may be implicit, such as
counting the number of results accumulated.
In one style of programming, the poll appears in the code as
a function call, e.g. to get the time, or deliver some
results. The return value may specify new parameters, or an
indication to abort. In event-driven programming, the poll
appears as a return from the event handling function. New
parameters are supplied by the next invocation of the
handler; If the calculation is aborted, the handler is simply
not called.
To demonstrate the power of the Application Kit, Mandelbrot
uses the event-driven style. The polling is implicit: one
scanline is calculated and displayed.
Mandelbrot does a lot in 110 lines of code, thanks to the
powerful Application Kit. Threads are harnessed by BLoopers ,
while BMessages provide synchronization and communication
between BLoopers . No other facilities are required.
#include <Application.h>
#include <Bitmap.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define YMAX 600
#define XMAX 800
#define NLOOPER 2
#define N 500
#define XBASE -.166025425237824
#define YBASE -.651236716536372
#define XLEN .003661029815804
#define YLEN .003044479089232
static uchar ctab[] = {
0, 8, 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,
23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10, 9, 8,
struct L: BLooper {
L( BView *view, uint i) {
v = view;
id = i;
Run( );
void MessageReceived( BMessage *m) {
switch (m->what) {
case 'calc':
DetachCurrentMessage( );
calc( m->FindLong( "y"));
v->Window( )->PostMessage( m, v);
void calc( uint ycur) {
for (uint xcur=0; xcur<XMAX; ++xcur) {
const double a = XBASE + xcur*XLEN/XMAX;
const double b = YBASE + ycur*YLEN/YMAX;
double x = 0;
double y = 0;
uint i = 0;
while ((x*x+y*y < 4)
&& (++i < N)) {
double newx = x*x - y*y + a;
y = 2*x*y + b;
x = newx;
results[xcur] = ctab[(N-i)%sizeof(ctab)];
BView *v;
uint id;
uchar results[XMAX];
struct V: BView, BBitmap {
V( BRect r): BView( r, 0, B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW),
BBitmap( r, B_COLOR_8_BIT) { }
void AttachedToWindow( ) {
ycur = 0;
for (uint i=0; i<NLOOPER; ++i)
startcalc( new L( this, i));
void MessageReceived( BMessage *m) {
if (m->what == 'calc') {
L *l = (L *) m->FindLong( "l");
display( m->FindLong( "y"), l);
startcalc( l);
void startcalc( L *l) {
if (ycur < YMAX) {
BMessage *m = new BMessage( 'calc');
m->AddLong( "l", (long)l);
m->AddLong( "y", ycur++);
l->PostMessage( m);
void Draw( BRect) {
DrawBitmap( this, BPoint( 0, 0));
void display( uint y, L *l) {
for (uint i=0; i<10; ++i)
l->results[i] = l->id * 63;
SetBits( l->results, XMAX, y*XMAX,B_COLOR_8_BIT);
BRect r( 0, y, XMAX-1, y);
DrawBitmap( this, r, r);
uint ycur;
struct W: BWindow {
W( BRect r): BWindow( r, "m", B_TITLED_WINDOW,B_NOT_CLOSABLE) {
MoveBy( 5, 0);
Show( );
AddChild( new V( r));
struct A: BApplication {
A( ): BApplication( 'abcd') {
Run( );
void ReadyToRun( ) {
new W( BRect( 0, 0, XMAX-1, YMAX-1));
main( )
A a;
return (0);
The Mandelbrot team consists of four threads, all of them
derived BLoopers : BApplication A, BWindow W, and two L
BLoopers. Note that BView V, while being its own BObject, is
operated by W.
The L code does all the grinding. By changing the NLOOPER
constant to 1, you can observe how only one CPU is working.
If NLOOPER is larger than the number of CPUs, no further
gains are achieved.
While the L loopers are grinding, the A looper responds
immediately if the user pulls down the app menu. Similarly,
the W looper can redraw the window immediately while the user
drags it around.
The V view is the coordinator of the enterprise. It directs
the computations, scanline at a time, to each L looper. To
indicate how V is dividing the work, the particular L
looper's signature is drawn on the left edge of the scanline.
V accesses the calculation results directly from each L.
This data sharing between loopers must be conducted with
care. If the data quantity is small or infrequently shared,
it should be passed using a BMessage . Sharing becomes more
dangerous as program complexity grows.
On a dual 66 MHz BeBox, the app runs at 8 scanlines per
second. If the polling rate is too high, efficiency will
deteriorate. If the rate is too low, the responsiveness of L
will suffer. Changing N, XBASE, YBASE, XLEN, or YLEN can
drastically alter the polling rate. The program does not
address this important issue: a general Mandelbrot app needs
a flexible polling method. A workable implicit method is to
count the iterations of the inner loop, instead of
calculating the whole scanline. The explicit method could use
the astonishingly efficient system_time() function. Cost: 1
microsecond per call!
Flexible polling requires more programming work. It must be
possible to start and stop work in the middle of the
scanline. The housekeeping would occur in the V view.
For thrill-seekers, certain constants control the image
appearance. The Mandelbrot set is defined for real x and y,
where -2 < x < 2 and -2 < y < 2. Much of this area is
featureless, so you want to zoom in by changing XBASE, YBASE,
XLEN and YLEN, such that XBASE < x < XBASE+XLEN and YBASE < y
< YBASE+YLEN. The distinguishing behavior of the Mandelbrot
set is the infinite detail as you zoom. With sufficient
magnification, you can observe the demise of floating-point
precision. A fancy version of this program should allow
zooming with the mouse.
The constant N determines the amount of detail: detail
requires more compute time. More detail does not always
produce an aesthetic image, since the clutter is distracting.
XMAX and YMAX determine the image size, in pixels. The fancy
program should allow the user to set the values, by way of
the resize icon.
A different way to control the image appearance is through
the colormap, ctab[] . The grayscale can be replaced with
your favorite colorscale, or something random. Colormaps can
radically alter the appearance of the same bits, with no
further calculations.
BeOS provides numerous low-level synchronization facilities
for threads. Most notable are semaphores and message ports,
both in the Kernel Kit. While these are fast, compute-bound
threads still require the programmer to address the polling
The Application Kit has the advantage of offering a
comfortable environment, with services like sound and
graphics from the other Kits. Unless the polling rate is
high, a few hundred Hz, the overhead of the slower
Application Kit is not a concern.
By Mike Palmer
Enough BeBoxes have gone out that we occasionally see one
come back in for service. Some of these returned units may
actually be end-user servicable, such as pressing the ASICs
down in their sockets to reseat them after they popped up due
to thermal cycling. Other problems may not be so easy to fix.
For example, flash technology is ideal for changing ROM data
in circuit, but the devices themselves are frail. When a
system is powered up, but doesn't boot, (either the load
indicator LEDS never turn off or the BE logo never appears or
the boot doesn't proceed past the BE logo), the cause is a
failed flashrom device. Reprogramming it will not work; it
needs to be replaced. Usually if a system doesn't boot up all
the way, it's the flashrom.
If after booting there is random video data on the screen,
the flashrom is of a different firmware release from the
startup disk. Both need to be at the same release level,
currently DR8.1 at least, although the disk may contain DR8.2
now. Upgrading the flashrom/disk solves this problem.
If the PS/2 mouse hangs, check whether a user installed card
is using IRQ12. The mouse needs IRQ12. The solution here is
to re-configure the card to use a different IRQ; if the card
is hardwired to IRQ12, get a configurable card. Also, in the
case of a non-working mouse, check for a blown 2A fuse at F2
on the motherboard.
This about does it for problems that an end-user can diagnose
and fix. However, if your BeBox fails for any reason, and YOU
can't fix it, call us! Seeing all the different failure modes
only helps our engineering effort to make more robust BeBoxes
in the future. We will make sure when we get your BeBox here
to repair it using the same tests and components as in the
manufacturing process. Many times a failure can be traced to
a defective component.
So, once again, if your BeBox goes down, let us know and
we'll get it right back up.
Happy Computing!
BE DEVELOPER TALK: Jos van Roosmalen
I like multiprocessor hardware. My first experience with a MP
computer was the Atari Transputer Workstation (26 Inmos RISC
T800 @ 20 MHz), which I got when Atari closed its European
Distribution Center in The Netherlands. The ATW is running
Helios OS, a UNIX/X-like OS-enviroment designed for multiple
processors that was developed by Perihelion Software. I like
the ATW -- and love the power of multiple processors -- but
because there are only 30 Transputer Workstations in the
world, I figured it was time to move to a new platform. So I
bought a BeBox.
At the 'BeBox/BeOS' demo in Amsterdam last month, a lot of
people asked me what word processor I was using on the BeBox.
I was asked this so many times, that I decided to port my
own. The application is being beta tested now, and should be
available as shareware by the beginning of the new year. The
fully-featured commercial version of the word processor
should be ready sometime in 1997. I hope you'll be pleased
with the app, and, just as important, delighted by the price:
my commercial software will
be priced to move!
In addition to work on the word processor, I'm also finishing
some applications that I hope will be ready by the time
PowerComputing starts shipping the BeOS on its machines.
I'll announce some of these application this week: For
example,you'll see a spread sheet and a project codenamed
"BeMedia." A lot of this software was already running on the
Atari, and it's been quite easy to port to the BeOS.
To help promote, sell, and support these applications, I
started a new company that uses the Internet as its primary
marketing channel. As Be itself has shown, the Internet is a
powerful -- and low-cost -- medium for getting the word out.
My company's Web site will be opened when the first
commercial products are available; until then, keep your eye
on my own home page:
Coding software for the BeOS is easy! Because of its object
orientation and software kits, you don't need to know all the
wearying details of the OS. Of course, other environments --
Windows NT, in particular -- let you code in C++, but the
communication between the OS and your application is from the
last decade. The BeOS shows us how to design software for the
For questions, etcetera: E-mail:
News from the Front
By William Adams
Playing with a 19-month-old is a lot of fun. Almost anything
you do will bring screams of delight. Just the other night
Yasmin and I were doing this on our bed:
"Watch this, fall down, boink! Hee, heee, heeee!"
On and on it went for at least 10 minutes. Falling down is
fun. But some day she's going to grow out of it; she'll
discover that running without falling covers more ground.
We often say that the BeOS is still in its infancy. Our
patient developers, who are no doubt having fun, will
eventually get tired of falling. One particularly bumpy path
is device driver development.
You've also no doubt heard (again and again) our battle cry
of "Raid the PC Organ Bank!" We support standard PCI-based
video, we have on-board SCSI 2, and we have ISA slots. Given
this environment the BeBox is a ready recipient for many of
the inexpensive PC organs found at computer mega stores.
But, in order to prevent rejection, someone must smooth the
path by convincing the BeOS that the new device isn't an
invading antigen that must be surrounded and destroyed.
This is the job of the device driver writer.
If you've ever written a device driver for a video card,
you'll understand what a hassle it can be. As was spelled
out a few newsletters ago by Pierre, it's a difficult process
even when you have all the information that you need.
Currently, one of the most annoying bumps when you're
developing a video driver is that you must put your driver on
a floppy and reboot your machine every time you make a
change. If your driver doesn't work, you *might* be able to
debug it over the serial port -- but you're flying blind
because son, you just done smashed your video.
Is there a better way? Why, yes.
A few newsletters back we threatened to provide you with some
tools to help in this process. They're ready; come and get
What you'll find is a test harness that will exercise your
budding video driver while you are still looking at a clean
UI. It does this by letting you plug two video cards into
your BeBox. Mind you, there are all sorts of caveats to
doing this correctly; for example:
- The card you are writing for must not conflict with your
primary board. This is particularly nasty if both boards use
memory mapped I/O from the ISA bus. There will definitely be
- You need a second monitor or a switchbox.
There are instructions for usage in the package. This test
harness is used to test the IMS graphics board on the Mac, so
it does have some value.
Another area of particular pain is the production of drivers
for SCSI devices. Robert Polic, creator of SCSIProbe and
other critical parts of the BeOS, has put up the source for
the SCSIProbe driver for those intrepid souls who dare to
tread in this territory:
The sample source should go a long way toward helping you
create a SCSI device driver of your own. The code is very
clean and documented. Together with the device driver
documentation, you should be on your way.
Boom, Boom, BOOM! Hear that? 20 some odd days left until
the Big Event. We will have a modest sized booth at MacWorld
this year. There will be 4 workstations available for
showing your wares. What we want to do is show as many of
your apps as possible, so get them ready. Send us your best
and we'll do the rest. If you are actually attending the
show and want to do some booth duty to show your own app,
drop us a line and we'll make you a star.
Be will also be demonstrating in the PowerComputing booth.
Again, applications that show off the BeOS is what we'd like
to show. Our own demo apps are great -- that's what has
excited so many people -- but the show will be even better if
we can show the applications of third-party developers
who actually want to ship a product. And I'm sure that there
will be many visitors anxious to see what's possible on a
Macintosh running an OS for the 90's.
The year is rapidly coming to a close. The Be demo tour is
over for now. The world, or at least Silicon Valley, seems
to know Be Inc. exists. We made it through infancy, and are
beginning our toddler phase. With more support from your
friendly DTS staff, and more applications from hard working
developers, it seems like this child will grow to
adolescence. This will be a good thing, and we should all
look forward to what is sure to be a fun, exciting, and
profitable time ahead.
One Year
By Jean-Louis Gassée
It was almost as lunatical as starting the company itself.
Or so said some respected members of our engineering
Who were we to publish a Be Newsletter (weekly, yet!) when we
barely had a product? Do we want to look like we had people
lying around with nothing better to do than pound the company
chest through the keys on their word processors?
And when, a year older, we look back -- we have to admit they
were right.
But the warm and overwhelming reception accorded our baby had
taken us by surprise. We were scrambling to put all our
technical documentation on an untested Web server (who's
other major customer provided gifs of "Debi" and "Nikki" for
the trench-coated Net voyeur).
We sweet-talked our suppliers, serenaded our contractors, and
waltzed our creditors in a mad dance to ship the first
BeBoxen to developers. "We came here to write code, not
short stories", as one articulate (and literate) individual
put it.
True. But to achieve critical mass, we needed to communicate
our ideas -- what our product and our business was (and is)
about -- early and often.
And who can better express the why and the how of what we do
than the very individuals who create it? I realize the
limits of such a statement: Real writers write better than
engineers, or even evangelists and marketeers (not to mention
immigrant CEOs). But there are benefits in persuading the
horse to speak: It helps to calibrate the generative
process. It also produces a healthy deflation (when needed)
-- you may think you're Gigli in the shower, but step up on
stage...And, most importantly, for a technically literate
audience such as ours stylistic brilliance and polish is less
important than getting unfiltered, unspun information
directly from the individuals in charge.
These first 52 issues of the Newsletter wouldn't have been
possible without the wits and patience demonstrated by
Valerie Peyre. She has an innate ability to extract articles
from even the most obdurate procrastinators while juggling
her other assignments on the team. Newsletter day (Tuesday)
rarely finishes early, with Doug Fulton and Roy West, writers
by day, performing cosmetic surgery on our prose well into
the night. As the team expanded during 1996, especially
after we finally got recapitalized, we gained regular
contributors such as Alex Osadzinski and, more recently,
William Adams.
I hope you can sense that we enjoy presenting the Newsletter
to you every week. Putting together an alternative personal
computing platform is an adventure and we appreciate this
vehicle. It allows us to share ideas at a speed, cost, and
in a style no other medium would allow. Thanks for having
read us this past year. With luck, the events ahead will
make the past 52 issues look tame by comparison.
BeDevTalk Summary
BeDevTalk is an unmoderated discussion group that's a forum
for the exchange of technical information, suggestions,
questions, mythology, and suspicions. In this column, we
summarize some of the active threads, listed by their subject
lines as they appear, verbatim, in the group.
To subscribe to BeDevTalk, visit the mailing list page on
our Web site:
- -----WEEK 3 (or 4?)---------------------------
Subject: Scripting interface
AKA: Scripting Architecture
AKA: Scripting API - For Public Comment
After disappearing for a week, the scripting thread sprang
back to life. Should Be define (or adopt) a scripting
*language*, or merely a scripting *interface* (i.e. message
prototypes). A new player, IFF, was introduced on the pro-
language side. And ARexx seems to be making a comeback.
Just as folks started to tire of the subject, Jon Watte of
MetroWerks published his own scripting interface. Poke
around in for more info.
- -----WEEK 3---------------------------
Subject: Better thread control
More discussion of how to coax your application into waiting
for more than one event. It was pointed out that a select() -
style wait would not only save threads, but would also make
porting existing code a lot easier. This was countered with
the arguments that 1) threads aren't all that expensive, and
so don't need to be "saved", and 2) "porting" should mean
fitting existing algorithms into a new platform's native flow
control -- in other words, get with the program or you'll end
up with expensive emulation layers. The counter-counter:
The upper limit on the number of threads is unarguably much
much lower than that of the number of different conditions a
select() can monitor. And as to "porting cleanly," it was
pointed out that Be has plenty of sops to tradition (e.g.
POSIX); is a generalized select() too much more to ask for?
THE BE LINE: No it isn't -- but don't expect it in DR9.
We hope to have fd-based select() implemented
- -----WEEK 2---------------------------
Subject: Preferences and version numbers
More on whether version strings should be (foremost) human-
readable. It was contended, with a code example, that
version strings should be written to the resource section of
a file (in DR9-speak, this will be an attribute), rather than
embedding a string in an otherwise binary file. It was
pointed out that the resource approach does seem to satisfy
the condition of human-readability (or, at least, it doesn't
exclude the possibility).
- -----NEW---------------------------
Subject: Accessing Preferences
AKA: [HEY BE!] filetypes
A vote for a Win95-style (preferences) Registry prompted much
discussion on how the system should store preference data,
and how an application can access it. Someone suggested a
"Preferences Server" that would monitor the preference
settings and send messages to interested apps. Also, where
should preference values be stored? (consensus: the
database); and what format should they be kept in?
(consensus: probably a home-grown type/creator/version/etc
- -----NEW---------------------------
Subject: BWindowScreen
Should the graphics support include a text mode? The initial
reaction was less-than-encouraging, but a number of folks say
"Why not? If it's in the gfx card, bring it out to the
screen." This led to a discussion of Terminal's glories and
faults. Most folks want line-wrapping.
THE BE LINE: We probably won't do a "text mode driver"
ourselves; however, we will work on improving Terminal's
- -----NEW---------------------------
Subject: Home and End keys, MW, or a key remapper
An initial request for mappable key bindings in the MW IDE
editor led to a broader discussion of system-wide keyboard
- -----NEW---------------------------
Subject: Some minor enhancements
Of the three feature requests proposed in the thread's
initial message, one piqued discussion: Should the system
poll removable media (as it does with the CD) or ask for an
explicit mount(a la floppy)? Should the methodology be
consistent (i.e. either the CD changed to explicit mount, or
floppy changed to poll).
For polling devices, should the frequency be decreased -- is
the current poll too expensive?