Be Newsletter

Issue 58, January 29, 1997

Table of Contents

Be Demo Tour: Canada and the Comdex / IT Forum in Paris

  • February 3-7, 1997

    Comdex / IT Forum, Paris

    February 3-7
    Paris Expos
    Hall 1, Booth T93
    Porte de Versailles
    75015 Paris, FRANCE

    Come with your friends and see the latest demos running on the BeOS!

    For more information on this event, please contact Christophe Droulers at

  • February 5-6, 1997

    General BeOS Demo Meetings in Ontario, Canada

    University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Hosted by the Canadian Be Users' Group, "Be Yourself."

    The William G. Davis Computer Research Center building at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Rooms 1301 and 1302 in the center of the building on the main floor.

    February 5

    2:30 pm -5:30 pm
    Private meeting for registered Be Developers in the area. Room 1301

    6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
    General BeOS Demo Meeting. Open to general public. Time for technical and general questions.

    February 6

    2:30 pm - 6:00 pm
    General BeOS Demo Meeting. Open to general public (for those who can't make it on Wednesday or who want to see the demo again). Time for technical and general questions.

    For more information, visit

European Be Developers' Conference '97 in Paris

On February 21-22, 1997 the Be Europe team is happy to invite you to the European Be Developers' Conference '97 in Paris. All developers are welcome to attend this event. The meeting will be held at:

Palais des Congres de Paris
2 place de la Porte Maillot
75017 Paris, France

Doors open at 2:00 pm on Friday and remain open until Saturday afternoon. The agenda is still under construction, but the goal of this conference is to:

  • meet the Be Europe team
  • meet some Be US engineers
  • discuss upcoming DR9 features
  • see the latest demos running under the BeOS
  • chat with other Be developers
  • show off your latest code
  • learn about our goals for 1997

If you can come, please confirm your attendance by sending e-mail to Christophe Droulers ( before February 14.

We look forward to seeing you there!

BE ENGINEERING INSIGHTS: Fastmath and fastmem are in a boat. Libmoto falls into the water... Who's left?

By Pierre Raynaud-Richard

By now most of you have an idea of the main points of the huge DR9 feature list. But I'll not write about the new file system, the new Tracker, or any of the other big subjects. Today, I want to add my 5 cents to a topic that's a tenured member of the list of release features: Improving performance.

One of the performance-enhancing tonics that, until now, had to be applied as an "extra" was libmoto. Available from Motorola, libmoto is an extremely optimized library of memory, math, and string functions, written in PowerPC assembly language. In DR9 we'll integrate libmoto into the standard package, at which point everybody should be able to use it.

Libmoto is good -- but is it really as fast as possible? Does it give you precisely what you need? Is it overkill, particularly with regard to floating-point precision? In short, can we do better?

At Be, these questions posed themselves as we worked on two specific problems: Basic 3D calculations for the 3D Kit and the compatibility between our drivers and the set of memory functions (memset(), memcpy(), and so on). The result: New "fastmath" and "fastmem" libraries.


The idea behind fastmath is that many programs don't need the high precision and full-range definition provided by standard math libraries such as libmoto.

Controlling precision in a general way is a difficult problem. At the high end, you have people doing scientific calculations: For them, the utmost precision is necessary. They know that even a tiny round-off error propagated through a system can render a calculation meaningless. To avoid excluding such scientists, math packages are all defined in double precision and go to great lengths to maintain accuracy.

On the other hand, if you're processing audio samples or performing 3D computation for image rendering, you don't require scientific precision. An error of, for example, less than 1 in 10,000 will be lost in the noise of the pixelization process. And an error of less than 1 in 100,000 means nothing to a 16-bit audio sample. In many cases, programmers could easily use math functions with an error of 1/1,000,000 (within the range [ -1 ; +1 ]). It's clear that double-precision, floating-point calculations are unnecessary for such operations.

If you find yourself in this bargain basement -- where, for example, a sine or square root that's accurate to within +/- .000001 is good enough -- then you should use the fastmath library. Therein you'll find the following math functions (the ">" mark designates the "most optimized" function(s) within a group):

  • Cosine and Sine
    > float b_cos_90(float radians)
      float b_cos(float radians)
      float b_sin(float radians),
      void b_get_cos_sin(float radians, float *cosine, float
    b_cos_90() is the fastest trig function: It achieves much of its speed by restricting the input range to [ 0.0 ; PI/2 ]. In other words, it's only defined for angles up to 90 degrees. Using the symmetries of the cosine curve, you can translate the returned value for any angle, or you can use one of the other functions, which are based on b_cos_90() but don't carry the input range restriction.

  • Tangent and Arctangent

    > float b_tan_45(float radians)
      float b_tan(float radians)
    > float b_atan_1(float value)
      float b_atan(float value)

    b_tan_45() is defined for angles in the range [ 0.0 ; PI/4 ].

    Actually, you *can* go further -- as far as PI/2 -- but the relative error becomes quite significant as you approach this limit.

    b_tan() doesn't restrict the sign of the input, but it doesn't fix the growing error problem -- its effective range is [ -PI/4 ; PI/4 ].

    Analogously, b_atan_1() and b_atan() retrieve arctangents for the range [ 0.0 ; 1.0 ] and for unbounded values, respectively.

  • Square Root and Inverse Square Root

    > float b_sqrt(float value)
    > float b_sqrt_inv(float value)

    The square root functions are defined for any value > 0.0.

I've listed some benchmarks and error approximations for these functions at the end of this article.

One big advantage of the fastmath library is that all functions are short C-code functions, and so can easily be inlined for even better performance.

If you're interested in getting a preview version of fastmath (the header file only; this includes the code for the inline functions), or if you want to help us extend our support or optimize our code even more, contact


The motivating force behind fastmem is the existence of the "data cache block" (DCB) instruction set provided by the PowerPC architecture. The DCB instructions give you greater control over the data cache, so you can optimize the way the cache is loaded and fetched. In particular, these instructions let you preload data and fetch a cache line without reading it first.

But to use this advanced control, you need to work with cacheable memory. Unfortunately, not all memory can be stuffed into the data cache; for example, you can't take the frame buffer of a graphic card and load it into the cache. The standard memory functions (memcpy(), memmove(), and memset()) use the DCB instructions, thus they can't be used for noncacheable memory.

The fastmem functions provide "cache-specific" memory operations. Within the library you'll find that the standard functions work as usual (they copy, move, and initialize memory), but they *only* work for cacheable memory.

The "nonstandard" fastmem functions work on noncacheable memory:

memcpy_nc2c() copies data from noncacheable to cacheable memory

memcpy_c2nc() copies from cacheable to noncacheable

memcpy_nc2nc() copies from noncacheable to noncacheable

memmove_nc() copies between interleaved buffers in noncacheable memory

memset_nc() initializes a buffer in noncacheable memory

One restriction of fastmem is that you *must* choose the proper function; the standard memset() call, for example, won't work on noncacheable memory. (Actually, the functions memcpy_nc2nc(), memmove_nc(), and memset_nc() will always do the right thing, even if the targeted area is in cacheable memory -- but they will be quite a bit slower than the analogous memcpy(), memmove(), or memset() call.)

This might sound a bit complicated -- how do you know if your memory is cacheable? In general, only drivers need to access noncacheable memory; "normal" applications only manipulate cacheable memory. (In the BeOS, an exception to this is applications that use the Game Kit to access the screen.) If you don't know if you're using noncacheable memory, then you're not.

With regard to the characteristics of the memory buffers themselves:

  • Buffer sizes. Although the overhead for copying small buffers should be reasonable, you may want to copy small buffers (up to 64 bytes) by hand.

  • Alignment. The fastmem functions can handle any alignment of data, but you should try to get your buffers aligned to 8-byte or, at the least, 4-byte boundaries.
The fastmem implementations are designed for speed, but we could probably squeeze a few more cycles out of them if we really needed to, particularly for nonaligned buffers.


The following tests were performed on the five main functions only. The input set was a random suite of 10,000,000 samples within the functions' defined ranges.

[Note: You may want to use a fixed-width font to view the table in this section.]

We ran the tests on four different machines using four different processors:

  Machine          CPU    Speed
  BeBox(TM) 66     603     66 MHz
  BeBox 133        603e   133 MHz
  PowerCenter 120  604    120 MHz
  PowerTower 225   604e   225 MHz


  L = libmoto
  F = fastmath
  I = inlined fastmath

The score is a measure of the operations per microsecond

       BeBox 66      BeBox 133     Power 120    Power 225

b_cos_90 VS cos:
  L:    0.668         1.188         2.036         3.939
  F:    2.219         3.721         5.398        10.161
  I:    3.613         5.371         6.612        12.331

b_sqrt VS sqrt:
  L:    0.490         0.873         1.324         2.518
  F:    1.130         2.243         2.192         4.178
  I:    1.262         2.481         2.349         4.516

b_sqrt_inv VS (1.0/sqrt):
  L:    0.384         0.689         0.952         1.807
  F:    1.129         2.239         2.184         4.188
  I:    1.263         2.487         2.345         4.502

b_atan_1 VS atan:
  L:    0.542         0.972         1.890         3.652
  F:    1.686         2.936         3.244         6.173
  I:    2.002         3.273         3.601         6.858

b_tan_45 VS tan:
  L:    0.278         0.528         0.659         1.250
  F:    1.008         1.811         2.351         4.481
  I:    1.150         1.936         2.532         4.864


Here are reasonable estimates (not the theoretical values) of the maximum, average, and average absolute errors for the 5 "most-optimized" fastmath functions, within their usable ranges.


  • e-6 stands for 0.000001

  • "error in absolute value" means the error is relative to a restricted range that's peculiar to the function; for example, for cosine the range is [ -1.0 ; 1.0 ]. Any be_cos() call will return a result that's within 0.000000536 of the "real" answer.

  • "error in relative value" means the error is relative to the result of the computation. Consider the call

      b_sqrt(1e12) // square root of 1000 billion

    The real answer is, of course, 1,000,000. But the result will be in the range

      [ 999,998.314 ; 1,000,001.686 ]

    Now consider this call:

      b_sqrt(1e-12) // square root of 1/1000 billion

    The answer is .000001, and the result will be in the range

      [ 0.000000999998314 ; 0.000001000001686 ]

    b_cos_90 (error in absolute value):
    - maximum:           0.536 e-6
    - average:           0.046 e-6
    - average absolute:  0.125 e-6
    b_sqrt (error in relative value):
    - maximum:           1.686 e-6
    - average:          -0.160 e-6
    - average absolute:  0.184 e-6
    b_sqrt_inv (error in relative value):
    - maximum:           1.686 e-6
    - average:           0.160 e-6
    - average absolute:  0.183 e-6
    b_atan_1 (error in absolute value):
    - maximum:           0.656 e-6
    - average:           0.030 e-6
    - average absolute:  0.123 e-6
    b_tan_45 (error in absolute value):
    - maximum:           1.013 e-6
    - average:           0.052 e-6
    - average absolute:  0.159 e-6


We compared the fastmem functions to our old code as well as to the latest version of libmoto (where possible; libmoto doesn't handle writing into noncacheable memory).

The tests played by these rules:

  • We set up a 4 MB cacheable area and a 512 KB noncacheable area as the source and/or destination.

  • The tests were run on buffers ranging in size from 8 bytes up to 256 KB.

  • We tested aligned and unaligned buffers. For aligned buffers, we stuck to 8-byte alignments, but we used all four such alignments within 32 bytes (keep in mind that a cache line is 32 bytes long).

  • So that we wouldn't be affected by a warm cache, we trashed both L1 and L2 after each test.

  • We also tested a mix of memmove() offsets, from -(buffer_size-1) to +(buffer_size-1). Each size was tested for a total of 10 MB, in standard operating conditions (restart from scratch and then run only the test program).

The machines and their characteristics:

  Machine          CPU   Speed    Bus     Graphic Card
  BeBox 66         603   66 MHz   33 MHz  fast PCI
  BeBox 133        603e  133 MHz  33 MHz  standard PCI
  PowerCenter 120  604   120 MHz  40 MHz  on-board
  PowerTower 225   604e  225 MHz  50 MHz  fast PCI

The numbers presented come from the average for buffers between 2 KB and 128 KB, removing the best and the worst measure. Everything is mixed with a noise of +/-1 percent.


  O = old library
  L = libmoto
  F = fastmem

The score aa.a (uu.u) is the bandwidth in MB/second for: aligned case (unaligned case).

      BeBox 66      BeBox 133     Power 120     Power 225

  O: 15.3 (10.0)   17.6 (15.8)   19.8 (14.8)   27.6 (21.3)
  L: 16.2 (13.6)   20.5 (17.7)   31.6 (25.9)   37.2 (35.0)
  F: 20.8 (17.3)   27.0 (25.6)   30.5 (29.3)   37.1 (36.7)

  O:  5.8 ( 0.9)    4.4 ( 0.9)   16.8 ( 3.5)    8.0 ( 1.2)
  L:  3.5 ( 1.9)    3.8 ( 1.9)   13.6 ( 8.7)    5.0 ( 2.9)
  F:  6.3 ( 5.2)    4.7 ( 4.5)   27.5 (19.3)   11.1 ( 8.7)

  O: 16.1 ( 3.0)   19.1 ( 3.4)   25.1 ( 5.3)   29.6 ( 4.3)
  F: 17.1 (15.9)   19.1 (18.3)   25.1 (23.8)   29.7 (29.4)

  O:  5.7 ( 0.7)    3.9 ( 0.7)   15.5 ( 1.9)    7.6 ( 1.0)
  F:  5.9 ( 4.8)    4.2 ( 3.8)   16.8 (13.5)    8.5 ( 7.7)

  O: 18.7 (17.5)   20.7 (20.7)   29.6 (29.3)   37.8 (36.5)
  L: 17.7 (15.0)   22.4 (20.6)   31.4 (29.3)   38.2 (37.5)
  F: 21.7 (17.8)   27.4 (26.6)   32.3 (31.9)   40.1 (39.5)

  O:  3.0 ( 2.9)    2.8 ( 2.8)    8.7 ( 8.7)    4.2 ( 4.2)
  F:  5.8 ( 4.8)    4.3 ( 3.8)   19.4 (14.6)    8.5 ( 7.5)

  O: 21.3 (21.2)   25.0 (24.7)   32.1 (32.1)   41.1 (41.1)
  L: 35.6 (35.3)   39.4 (39.3)   75.9 (75.7)   86.3 (86.2)
  F: 35.7 (35.4)   39.4 (39.2)   76.2 (75.8)   86.5 (86.1)

  O:  6.5 ( 6.5)    7.0 ( 6.9)   11.8 (11.8)    8.7 ( 8.7)
  F: 25.8 (25.6)   25.1 (25.1)   47.3 (47.2)   30.4 (30.2)


  • libmoto has been optimized especially for the 604 and 604e; fastmem isn't dedicated to a particular CPU. We compromised to get good performance on every processor. Perhaps later we'll have processor-specific libraries: With 604-dedicated code, we'll be able to get the same performance as libmoto for the memcpy() on the PowerCenter 120 (the only case where libmoto really outperforms the new library).

  • The test for memmove() used interlaced buffers only, while memcpy() used noninterlaced buffers. Because of this, memmove() always appears to be faster than memcpy().

For all remarks, contact:

News from the Front

By William Adams

So I was sitting around trying to think of an appropriate irrelevancy to satisfy George's funny bone this week, and I came up with the following.

My wife and I are pretty cheap, I guess. We bought a book to show us how to make things like silly putty so we wouldn't have to go out to the store and buy silly putty. The commercial version of silly putty is a nice, evenly textured smooshable plaything that provides countless hours of fun for the little ones.

The home-brew variety consists of flour, salt, and tartar sauce of all things. Who would think that such a strange mix of ordinary ingredients could provide so many countless hours of fun for the tots.

Putting together an operating system is much like putting together silly putty. You have a bunch of boring ingredients like device drivers, interface kits, memory management, and schedulers, but properly combined, they can create a product that's loads of fun.

The BeOS is like silly putty to me. I'm telling you, it makes me giddy with excitement just seeing the amount of work that developers are putting into their applications. It is a sure indication that they love what they're doing and probably laughing while they're doing it.

Now that quite a few new developers have received the MacTech CD and made it through the installation filter, we receive mail every day to the effect of: "Now that I've tried the BeOS, going back to the Mac OS seems silly."

More than a couple of developers I know are moving to California from parts unknown so that they can be closer to the action. I like to imagine it's because they want to be closer to the person who provides them with interesting stories and code samples, but I think not.

One developer I know was invited to show their wares before 5 broadcasters, that is, people who own broadcast stations. They were sufficiently impressed that the developer was invited to a certain ranch of a space-faring family.

I also see that our ftp site is continually chock full of new entries and updates to old ones. One of the more amusing and powerful ones I think is myBrowser. This is a browser a la NEXTSTEP and it works quite well. It even does some nifty things that our Browser doesn't. Additionally there's a new Python 1.4 port for those in the know, and we've put out our latest version of NetPositive. There's even great progress on a native X server of all things!

Well, that's a mouthful for any platform, and even more so for this particular one, considering we haven't hit our 1.0 release yet. Speaking of which. Before getting to 1.0, we have to go through the DR9 transition. Our general plan from a Developer Services perspective is to get ourselves boned up on the new stuff and have plenty of samples and porting guides in place such that a developer's transition will go as quickly and smoothly as possible.

For this release, we still won't be able to do much of a prerelease before the general release goes out, so you won't be able to compile your apps before DR9 hits the streets. But I'm wondering if it would be beneficial to port a couple of the apps ourselves before DR9 goes out so there's at least something to play with in the first couple of weeks, before everyone in the world recompiles.

At this point I'm really just taking a poll, but if you would like to have us recompile your app for DR9 before DR9 shows up, send me a message and we'll see how much interest there is. Besides, our new Developer Services staff needs some way of coming up to speed, don't they?

Well, after much code wrangling last week, the 3dmov and Bt848 binaries made it out the door. They seem to have made quite a splash with the general community and have plenty of people taunting their friends with "Can your OS do this!" So to continue, we have two pieces to release this week. One is a new Storage Server that Benoit put together to solve a startup indexing problem, it can be found at:

The other is the source to the CDPlayer application:

The source for the CDPlayer will show you how your application can interact with the CD-ROM drive to play music. It will not allow you to create a driver to support any new CD-ROM devices, that driver is compiled into the kernel. But it will show you how to control the CD for your own purposes.

Additionally, Geoff Woodcock has produced the first fruit of his Be labors. There is a new tutorial on-line for the January application. For those who don't know, this little application is like a HelloWorld for graphics applications on the BeOS. Geoff was a bit concerned that all he has done in the three weeks since he joined Be was staff the Macworld booth, help customers, and write a tutorial. I'd say he's doing all right so far.

Well, enough rambling. I can't wait for the arrival of DR9 so that I can start pounding my drum again telling people to port because there are so many neat new things to play with.


By Alex Osadzinski

In what passes for my career, I've worked for tiny companies and intergalactic companies; it's been interesting to examine the similarities and differences between them. Something that all companies share is a planning process, albeit with varying degrees of effort. At one company I worked at, I had the honor of being the VP in charge of planning one year; the process took three months and involved a full-time team of around 20 people. Come to think of it, maybe it was a punishment rather than an honor. The outcome of the planning process was, of course, a plan, resplendent in its three-ring binder and sets of goals for everyone in the company. At the lofty VP level, the combination of corporate, business unit, functional, geographic, and personal goals created a list of around 150 things to do that year, ranging from gargantuan tasks on the order of "Conquer Asia and dominate the market there" to smaller, although truly horrendous tasks like "Attend group sensitivity training (3 days, off-site, ropes course included)." One fervent planner published books entitled "Goals, Goals, Goals" listing individuals' goal lists. This wasn't a joke. And of course the last three months of the year were spent collating, justifying, and groveling, to ensure credit for as many of the 150 or so goals as possible, in order to receive A Very Large Check.

We don't do planning this way at Be.

Given that much of planning is numerology and internal discussions are typically increasers of entropy, we don't waste a whole lot of time on microanalysis. Rather, we try to listen to what our customers (currently mostly developers) say and to react accordingly. Also, as a small company with limited resources, we have to stay very focused: There are many more things that we could do than we have the ability to do.

So, what's our plan for 1997?

We have three goals, and they're known to, and shared by, everyone in the company. The first two goals are:

  1. Deliver the first "user-ready" version of the BeOS

  2. Get the BeOS into the hands of as many potential users as possible

    However, the real meat, and what the first two goals are designed to support, is:

  3. Encourage and help the development of BeOS applications

Sure, there are numeric goals associated with these and, of course, we have budgets to live within. But those three goals are what we're focusing on this year.

There are two virtuous circles embodied in these three goals: One is that a great BeOS product enables great applications, which in turn provide the impetus to improve the BeOS. The other is that great applications result in more seats for the BeOS, which creates even greater momentum for more applications. We're very aware that virtuous circles can oh so easily become death spirals, and we know that our job is far from done.

What are the implications of our goals for our customers, particularly for our developers?

First, we'll be rolling out the Preview Edition of the BeOS in a few short months. This will be the first generally available public release of the product and will pave the way for the first "user-ready" release later this year. Vague dates, eh? Yes, but we try hard to underpromise and overdeliver and, when we don't know the exact answer, not to make one up.

Second, we'll be making it really easy and painless for people to get their hands on the BeOS Preview Edition. As you may know, Power Computing will be bundling this release with most of their machines; that's one of the very easiest ways to get the BeOS. We'll try to make it almost as easy for buyers and existing owners of other Power Macs.

Third, we're continuing to beef up our developer services (aka developer support) and evangelism teams, whose mission in life is to help developers get their apps shipped.

1997 is a very important year for us and our developers. In 1996, thanks to the kindness of the media and the enthusiasm of our many supporters, we made a lot of people aware of our existence and what we're trying to do. We also saw the first BeOS apps emerge, and that was a very exciting set of events. In 1997, we're relying on that continued support to get us to the point where users begin to do real work on the BeOS, running some of the existing and forthcoming applications. We'll definitely do our best to play our part, and we're all pretty excited about what can happen this year.

Why Do We Pay Attention to Japan?

By Jean-Louis Gassée

Why do we pay attention to Japan?

Coincidence or not, I was asked this question several times in the past few days. As we make preparations for Tokyo Macworld, I'll use this opportunity to offer our perspective on Be's involvement with Japan.

There are many aspects to it. Let's start with customers. Go to the Laox Computer store in the Akihabara (all things electronic) district of Tokyo. There's a magazine section on the ground floor. At 5 pm, high-school and college students are standing four deep at the racks, reading the US and Japanese computer magazines. There's a large, active techno- nerd, geek, propeller-head population in Japan, just as in the US and Europe. And contrary to a persistent legend, there's an appetite for US hardware and software products in Japan. The Macintosh sells well, the Amiga still has a following, PC makers such as Compaq enjoy very good business there and, of course, Bill Gates receives the immense, somewhat fearful respect accorded to quasi-divine creatures.

The BeBox and the BeOS have been granted an initial warm reception, many magazine articles have been published, web sites are dedicated to our products, and Fumihiko Shibata, noted magazine editor, just published the first BeBox Guide Book in Japanese (ISBN 4- 89369-490-1).

We're very happy, and we're concerned. Many Western companies have floundered because they took the Japanese customer for granted, failing to pay the local custom, the local ways of doing business, the respect that generates a trusting relationship necessary for any business to grow beyond the novelty stage. Beyond the early adopters who read enough English and accept the US version of a product, a great deal of detailed work is required for us to offer a product fit for broader consumption in Japan. And we need to find the right partnerships that would guarantee the Japanese customer the continuity, the level of service, the overall comfort they are entitled to.

With 400,000 to 500,000 PowerPC machines sold yearly in Japan, the market more than justifies the extra effort. But there's more than market size. It seems that Japanese customers are, on the average, more interested in multimedia applications than are customers in other Western markets, where personal computers are predominantly office automation machines. Our product, focused on creative digital media applications, fits nicely with the multimedia bias in the Japanese market. And where do the new DV cameras or the DVD units come from?

This leads me to developers. There has been a tendency to stereotype Japan as less individualistic than, say, Silicon Valley and therefore less creative. Large bureaucratic keiretsus leave no room for entrepreneurs. Add a different writing system and the sum is: No Japanese PC software developer success stories. As for the lack of creativity, this is absurd. Look at the arts. Same for the lack of entrepreneurs. Small businesses flourish everywhere, their styles are different. Actually, less and less so. To the more worldly Japanese software entrepreneurs we offer a "born on the Web" distribution model yielding instant access to the rest of the world. And when we have a properly localized and supported product, our platform will play well to the natural trends of the Japanese market. Speaking of success stories, we'd love to be part of one relating how a programmer in Kobe sells his digital video editor to BeOS users worldwide.

We can't help it, we like Japan. We would immensely enjoy doing a decent job in this very different, very attractive market. This might not be the most rational of motives, but liking one's customers can't hurt.

BeDevTalk Summary

BeDevTalk is an unmoderated discussion group that's a forum for the exchange of technical information, suggestions, questions, mythology, and suspicions. In this column, we summarize some of the active threads, listed by their subject lines as they appear, verbatim, in the group.

To subscribe to BeDevTalk, visit the mailing list page on our Web site:

CORRECTION: In last week's BeDevTalk summary, Marco Nelissen's name was given as "Marc". We apologize to Mr. Nelissen for the mistake.

  • -----WEEK 2---------------------------
    Subject: Thoughts on Fragile Base Class problem.
    AKA: The FBC
    AKA: FBC problem
    AKA: Be's FBC hack won't work
    [and others...]

    Here we pat Be's fragile base class solution (reserved functions and library versioning) on the head and cuff it about the ears. The pro and con philosophies go something like this (con first):

    • Some folks think that since a real solution will be needed someday anyway, it's better to suffer the pain of the adoption now (and everyone admits that the pain will be substantial) rather than after the first commercial release of the OS.

    • Proponents of Be's "hack" solution point out that the problem may be more theoretical than practical: A theoretically pure and elegant FBC solution provides more backward compatibility than anyone needs; better to have a lightweight, if homely, solution (intramajor release compatibility) since advances in feature set alone will necessitate a rewrite every couple of years.

    There's also a middle position: It would be nice to have an elegant FBC solution, but there's no such thing for C++. You can have the language or you can have robust base classes, you can't have both. This argument spawned COM/SOM/Objective-C comparisons.

    Some technical questions and observations:

    • Would the reserved functions look like this: virtual void *SpareFunc(void *arg1, void *arg2 ..., void *argN); ?

      Others wrote in to offer that only the function name entry in the vtable is important, so the arguments would be eliminated, reducing the declaration to: virtual void *SpareFunc();

    • Dave Haynie pointed out that library versioning has inherent problems: In addition to requiring that you keep many Release N.x libraries around, you could end up with different versions of the OS shouldering each other out of RAM.

    • Jens Alfke upped the ante by opining that versioning only works for "monolithic" apps; if an app loads an add-on, the app and the add-on need to have been linked against the same library. Jon Watte adjusted this notion: A version 1.5 app (for example) should be able to load any 1.x add-on (in other words, the minor version numbers needn't match).

    • It was mentioned (and forehead-slappingly agreed) that in order for the reserved (virtual) function scheme to work, every subclass must implement all the reserved functions of its ancestors (whether they actually do anything or not).

  • -----NEW---------------------------
    Subject: GUI (in)consistency
    AKA: Applications without windows
    AKA: Let's move out the main menu f
    AKA: Application start-up and take-down time

    Various opinions about matters GUI: Menus, menu bars, the dock, (potentially) windowless apps, and so on. Some specific topics:

    • Should ALL of an app's menu items appear in the same place -- that is, either in a menu bar *or* in the main menu (or both)?

    • Where should an app's main menu be displayed? According to many, the top of the dock isn't intuitive.

    • Should closing an app's last window kill the app?

    • Window miniaturization should show an icon, not a title bar.

    • Let the user decide where the dock will be displayed (left or right side of the screen).

    • Please, Be, give us window-management conventions (cycling, tiling, backgrounding, foregrounding, and so on).

    • Should a new window always grab focus? Even if you're still typing in the old window?

    Many opinions and a LOT of traffic. The need for UI guidelines is clear, and the hope that the guidelines will be adhered to (once they're published) was voiced explicitly (by Mike Coleman, in particular) and could also be felt in the many arguments that hypothesized the naive user's experience.

    THE BE LINE: General user interface guidelines for Be applications were published in an article in Issue 51 of The Be Newsletter. That article is the introduction to the Be User Interface Guidelines chapter of the DR9 edition of The Be Book, which is being written now.

  • -----NEW---------------------------
    Subject: Tracker
    AKA: Tracker suggestion
    AKA: A Better name for Tracker?
    AKA: Be Newsletter Issue # 57, January 22, 1997

    A number of folks wrote in to comment on Steve Horowitz' column (in Issue 57) about Tracker, the DR9-generation browser. Among the suggestions:

    • Allow MIME mapping based on arbitrary attributes (not just filename extension), particularly for nonnative systems. For example, HFS could use a type/creator -> MIME mapper.

    • Integrate HTML support.

    • Allow multiple handlers per file; for example, you may want an HTML file's primary handler to be NetPositive, and its secondary handler (through Command-click, perhaps) to be an editor.

    • Provide a means for add-ons to announce the types that they can handle.

    • "Live icons" should be semitransparent.

    • A lot of name suggestions, too many to list here.

    THE BE LINE: There was some confusion over the phrase "live icon dragging." It means (as several contributors correctly surmised) that when you drag an icon, you'll see the icon picture being dragged, not just the outline of the icon's frame. It doesn't refer to animation running in an icon. We apologize for the muddle.

    Regarding add-ons being able to announce the types they can handle: This will be done, although not necessarily in DR9.

    We appreciate the name suggestions, but for now we'll stick with "Tractor"... uh, excuse me, "Tracker."

  • -----NEW---------------------------
    Subject: /boot/system/ voes

    This thread, which took off from the FBC discussion, branched into system folder talk: Where should it be, what should be in it, should there be more than one (one for Be, another for third parties, a third for the user, and so on).

  • -----NEW---------------------------
    Subject: BView updates flickering?

    A new listener wondered why BView blanks to white before redrawing. Many folks wrote in with suggestions: Use a transparent background color, draw to an off-screen buffer first. The best result can be gotten from this bit of advice: Don't Invalidate() the view; instead, call Draw() directly.

    A smarter double-buffering scheme was requested.

  • -----NEW---------------------------
    Subject: NetPositive & Datatypes

    Listeners yearn for the ability to script URL requests. For example, it would be nice to be able to send NetPositive a message telling it to open a requested URL.

  • -----NEW---------------------------
    Subject: Soft reboot after crash

    An idea (paraphrased from Daniel Lakeland):

    Why not have a key stroke combination that kills the Application Server (and client programs). You would then drop into a terminal from which you could "hack and slash away at the currently running programs."

    The point, here, is to more gracefully bring down a crashing machine. The initial idea spurred other suggestions:

    • Ctrl-Alt-Del should shut down, not just reboot.
    • Tracker and the Application Server should relaunch after a crash.

  • -----NEW---------------------------
    Subject: Be public FTP archive on OS CD

    A feature request for Be: How about copying the contributed code from the ftp site onto the DR9 CD? It would have to be recompiled, and some of it probably wouldn't work in DR9, but is that so bad? How about a commercially released version of the site -- would anyone pay for a CD of ftp contributions?

    It was pointed out that such a CD is already available, from Adamation (see for information).

    THE BE LINE: Sorry, but Be probably won't burn the ftp site onto the CD. As William Adams put it:

    "Yes, it would be good to [distribute] the sources, but I don't think it would make us look very good to release a bunch of stuff that doesn't work with our brand spanking new release."

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