Job Opening - Menlo Park

Technical Writer

Can you look at a chunk of code, distill its essence, and then write about it using words that programmers can understand?

Can you write example code that demonstrates the use of a C++ object or C function?

And do you know when to use words and when to use code to describe the design of an operating system?

Want to be a Be Tech Doc Writer?

We're looking for writers that understand our technology and that support our efforts. You don't need a CS degree, and you don't need to be a poet. But you should combine the elements of both.

You'll be expected to help design the API of our emerging software and help test it by writing example apps.

Sound like fun? You bet.

To Apply

Electronic Mail:
E-mail an ASCII copy of your cover letter, resume, your e-mail and postal addresses, and both day and evening phone numbers in the body of an e-mail to (attached documents will not be considered). Put the title of the position you're applying for in the Subject line of your message.

or Post:
Mail a copy of your cover letter and resume to:
Jobs At Be, Inc.
800 El Camino Real
Suite 300
Menlo Park, CA 94025

or Fax:
Fax a copy of your cover letter and resume, with the title of the position you're applying for on the fax cover sheet,
to: (415) 462-4129.

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