The Media Kit

The Media Kit gives you tools that let you generate, examine, manipulate, and realize (or render) medium-specific data in real-time. It also lets you synchronize the transmission of data to different media devices, allowing you to build applications that can easily incorporate and coordinate audio and video (for example).

There are three layers in the Media Kit:

These three layers are interconnected: The module layer is built on top of the subscriber layer, which is built on top of the stream layer. Most high-level media applications will want to use the module layer exclusively. If you need more control or greater efficiency, head for the subscriber layer. The stream layer is the least useful to media applications, but, as mentioned above, it may find a home in applications--media-specific or not --that want to set up an efficient, real-time data pipeline.

Currently, only the subscriber and stream layers of the Media Kit are implemented, and, in this release, only the subscriber layer is documented.

At the subscriber layer, the Kit provides two classes:

The Kit also provides a BSoundFile class that lets you read the data in a sound file, and global functions that let you play sound files.

The Be Book, HTML Edition, for Developer Release 8 of the Be Operating System.

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Last modified September 6, 1996.