Did you, as an Internet user, ever wonder who you were talking to at the other end of the proverbial "line"?
If you're like most of us, you spend an amazing amount of time online. You send tens, possibly even hundreds of messages to fellow Amigans across the country, BUT! Can you put a face to the name? Now's your chance.
World-Wide Amiga Online! and the North Alabama Society of Amiga Users (NASAU) are planning a roundtable discussion "lunch meeting" to take place at the Amiga '97 show in St. Louis. It'll be a great way to shake hands, make friends, and establish contacts with the people you deal with online. Poised for the start of the show, it's a great way to make the show a better experience. After all, what's a better way to see the show than with a lot of friends?
Some of the Answers you'll need:
If you're interested in joining us or have any questions whatsoever, please send an e-mail to Wayne Hunt (wayne@amiga.org) with your name, number of guests, and e-mail address so he can let the restaraunt set another place at the table...