PHILADELPHIA, Pa., March 27, 1997 /UseNet News/ -- Intangible Assets Manufacturing President, and former Commodore-Amiga Software Engineer, Dale L. Larson, has issued the following statement in reaction to today's news that Gateway 2000 has purchased the Amiga assets subject to regulatory approval:
"I'm thrilled that the Amiga technologies have finally been purchased, more so that they have been bought by a company with such tremendous resources, visionary management, and customer-service orientation as Gateway 2000. From their statement that they 'will work to develop new products for the AMIGA market,' we conclude that the Amiga has a newly bright future ahead of it. I trust that this will re-invigorate the Amiga community and renew interest in our markets. We're looking forward to a surge in sales of our Amiga products in the coming months as a result of this announcement."
Intangible Assets Manufacturing produces a line of Amiga products, including the book "Connect Your Amiga! A Guide to the Internet, LANs, BBSs and Online Services", DiskSalv4, MRBackup, MegaBall4 and others. IAM also publishes Internet-related books "Torn Shapes of Desire: Internet Erotica" and "Lineland: Mortality and Mercy on the Internet's Pynchon-L@Waste.Org Discussion List." Web site:
Intangible Assets Manufacturing
828 Ormond Avenue
Drexel Hill, PA 19026-2604
phone (orders only) +1 610 853 4406
fax +1 610 853 3733