CultureShock Announces Release of Pagemonster Web Page Generation Tool

CultureShock Multimedia is proud to announce the release of Pagemonster 1.0, a new web page generation tool for the Amiga Computer.

Pagemonster incorporates an easy to use point and click interface with a modular, non-linear approach to the construction of web pages. This method allows you to gather, arrange and preview all the elements that will comprise your final page into an unlimited number of layouts before saving.

Features Include:

Minimum Requirements:

Special New Release Price Break

If you purchase Pagemonster 1.0 direct before July 1997, you will be able to obtain a copy at the special low price of just $49.95. After that the Pagemonster will return to it's normal retail price of $69.95.

How to Order Direct

Send a certified check or money order for $49.95 (U.S. Dollars) made out to CultureShock Multimedia Plus $5.00 postage and handling to the following address:

CultureShock Multimedia
2319 North 45th street
Suite 296
Seattle, Washingtion 98103

Dealers interested in distributing this product please contact David Elfalan at

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