16 April 1997
AMIGA1 - Amiga User Group Eifel-Trier-Luxembourg
During the upcoming weekend the second edition of our Amiga-Show "Magic Days in Trier" (MTT' 97) will be the center of attraction for the Amiga Users in our region and all over the world.
We are proud to have all the major German Amiga firms as guests on our show. Some of them are going to present brand new products, like phase5 with the PowerUP cards, Haage & Partner with StormC for PowerUp and pOS, ProDAD with pOS and many more. Not to forget Mr. Petro Tyschtschenko, who is one of the most important guests of the MTT'97.
Another highlight are the lectures which are hosted by some well known developers. These lectures will give every user and developer the possibility to see which possibilities, but also which problems are related with the PowerPC on the Amiga.
During the two days, 19th and 20th April, the show will be covered on the Internet with with live pictures and interviews. Be sure to visit our web-page to get all these informations. Another important part of the internet-presence will consist of IRC-conferences with very interesting guests! One will feature Dave Haynie as a special guest! An event which nobody should miss!
A detailed schedule conatining the place and time where the IRC-conferences are going to be can be found very soon on our Web-page.
MTT'97: The event around the AMIGA! Don't miss it!