DiskProtection V1.2
DiskProtection V1.2
Patrick Ohly
Weechstr. 1, WG E0/1
76131 Karlsruhe
Tel.: +49 721 615662
eMail: patrick.ohly@stud.uni-karlsruhe.de
IRC: Irish
DiskProtection encrypts data totally invisible for the user while
writing to disk. All blocks are encrypted, so the directories are
protected, too. DiskProtection supports all exec devices, i.e.
harddrive partititions, floppy disks, but not the RAM-disk. Any
filesystem can be used.
It features:
- encryption with IDEA, FEAL, DES, SCRM and custom algorithms
- (XPK-)interface for additional algorithms
- configurable with easy to use preferences program
- encryption can be changed anytime
- resident passwords (for use with mailboxes)
- access protection
- builtin screenblanker
- GUI driven, localized
- German and English documentation (ASCII, DVI, AmigaGuide)
- context sensitive online help
- ...
New Features:
- fast, but unsafe encryption algorithm
- DPInit, a tool to start DiskProtection without mounting anything
- example source code for your own encryption libraries
Bug Fixes:
- "Hide in File" was somehow buggy
- sorting order of XPK libraries was reversed
DiskProtection requires OS2.0 and Triton-Library 1.4 A minimum
distribution is included in this archive, but you should better look
out for the complete archive "util/libs/tri14usr.lha" on AmiNet:
ftp://ftp.wustl.edu/pub/aminet/util/libs/tri14usr.lha (217107)
NOT available on AmiNet due to USA export restrictions for
cryptographic software. Look at the AmiNet site in Paderborn for
the file "/pub/aminet/util/crypt/DiskProt11.lha":
ftp://ftp.uni-paderborn.de/pub/aminet/util/crypt/DiskProt11.lha (340258)
You will always find the most current version on my WWW home page:
20,- DM shareware fee
DiskProtection © 1994,95 Patrick Ohly
It's freely distributable as long as all files are distributed unchanged.
DiskProtection is shareware, however the public version is not crippled
in any way!
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& witbrock@cs.cmu.edu