
Short:    *McFiler* catalogues files w/ many useful functions (fit,unpack,..)
Uploader: (Roberto Bizzarri)
Author:   Roberto Bizzarri,
Type:     biz/dbase
Requires: OS 2.0 (v37) and ReqTools.library
Version:  4.3
Replaces: biz/dbase/McF42.lha

              __  __      _____ _ _             _  _     ____
             |  \/  | ___|  ___(_) | ___ _ __  | || |   |___ \
             | |\/| |/ __| |_  | | |/ _ \ '__| | || |_    __) |
             | |  | | (__|  _| | | |  __/ |    |__   _|  ___) |
             |_|  |_|\___|_|   |_|_|\___|_|       |_|(_)|____/

This program was born to achieve a better way to catalogue and archive
files on ANY MEDIA DEVICE with special functions for FLOPPIES.  It features
functions able to quickly trace, view, unpack, rename, discard a file, as
well as hide it from your list.

You'll have at your disposal two nice routines, "FitDisk" and "SingleFit",
which will allow you to optimize your collection of files to fit in the
least possible number of disks.

McFiler requires OS 2.0+ (v37+) and "reqtools.library" v38+ (© by Nico
François & Magnus Holmgren).

A u t h o r

You can find me here:

Internet Email :
Fidonet matrix : Roberto Bizzarri, 2:332/901.31
Snail mail     : Roberto Bizzarri, v. Giolitti 124, I-61100 Pesaro, ITALY


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