Nova Design Demo Tape

ImageFX and Aladdin 4D Demo Tape Now Shipping!

For Immediate Release

Contact:  Bob Fisher
          Nova Design, Inc.
          1910 Byrd Ave, Suite 204
          Richmond, VA 23230 USA

Richmond, VA - Tuesday, January 28, 1997.  Nova Design, Inc. announced
that it's video demo tape for it's ImageFX and Aladdin 4D products is
now shipping.   This tape features exciting footage from videos and
films using ImageFX and Aladdin 4D and shows the power and the
possibilities in these two packages.  Other segments of the tape feature
specially commissioned sequences showing off all the newest features of
ImageFX.  You'll see animated fires, blue screen composites, lightning,
distorts, morphs, liquid effects and much more!

This demo tape is excellent for user group meetings, store demos, shows
and much more!

Dealers and User Groups

The video tape is free to all Amiga dealers, Video Toaster/Flyer
dealers, or stores carrying Amiga software.  All Amiga user groups are
also welcome to a free ImageFX video tape.  The tape may be freely
copied and given away to anyone.  Dealers should call to order a copy of
the tape.  User groups may get a copy of the demo tape by contacting
Nova Design, Inc. and then putting Nova on their subscriber list for
their newsletter.

We also have full color product sales sheets and full color reprints of
ImageFX reviews freely available in quantity for dealers and stores as

Did You Say Free?!

Yes!  This tape is being made available for free to all Amiga dealers
and User Groups.  Dealers may also request additional promotional
literature.  User groups must supply Nova with their newsletter.  All
dealers and user groups must call our dealer sales line at (804)
282-5868 Monday through Friday between 1pm and 5pm eastern time.

Others wishing a copy can get one for $10, $5 more if shipping outside
the continental US, that covers our manufacturing costs and shipping
charges.  Those interested in ordering their own copy MUST call
1-800-IMAGE-69, or (804) 282-1157, Monday through Friday between 1pm and
4pm eastern time, to place their order.

ImageFX, and Aladdin 4D are trademarks of Nova Design, Inc. All other
trademarks are held by their respective owners.

[The Nova Design demo tape was created entirely using Amiga technology, by
The Vantage Point video production firm.  TVP can be found at  -Jason]


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