PowerCon Info Pack

[PowerCon is the successor to the Montreal Amiga Convention of recent
years.  The venue is the same as AC '96. -Jason]

         The Official Info Pack on the PowerCon'97
                            Release 1.1

Please feel free to spread this file around wherver you can, as long as it
is not altered.  We don't want people to show up at the wrong city or
during the wrong month! 

If you are a magazine, please feel free to put this in your magazine.All
that we ask in return is that you e-mail or call us to tell us that you
have put the information into the magazine.  Also, if you would like to
have an article written for your magazine after the convention about what
happened at PowerCon'97 Please e-mail <moogy@datrox.ca>
<tessier@moebius.qc.ca> <steve.pruneau@mcbbs.magicnet.com>


- PIOS maker of a new PowerPC box (PIOS-ONE) will be there
  to demonstrate their new products (http://www.pios.de)

- ProDAD are developing a new OS called pOS, it look similar
  to AmigaOS.  It is currently port to the PowerPC, a 68k
  version is already available (http://www.prodad.de)

In July, in Montreal, the first annual PowerPC Convention will take place!
This convention will gather the PowerPC community together from all across
the world to show its support for the PowerPC platforms!  (BeBox, PIOS-ONE,
A/Box, Amiga(PowerUP), PowerMac(& clones), IBM, Motorola) We hope to make
this show an event that will demonstrate the "POWER" behind PowerPC's and
their operating systems (BeOS, pOS, MacOS, Linux, Solaris, AIX).

WHY:  We are putting on the PowerCon'97 to support our 
      favorite computers. We feel that there is a place for 
      the PowerPC platform within the "WINTEL" monopoly. 

WHERE: The Howard Johnson Hotel in Montreal, 

ADDRESS: Howard Johnson
         475 Sherbrooke West Street
         Montreal (Quebec)
         H3A 2L9

WHEN   :  19 & 20 of July  1997

TIME   : 10:00 - 20:00 (8:00 PM) Saturday
          9:00 - 18:00 (6:00 PM) Sunday

ENTRANCE COST: 7 Canadian dollars


Software Coding

1st place : $800
2nd place : $300
3rd place : $100

COST FOR RENTING TABLES : $150 - 1 day, $250 - 2 days, for one table of 6'
by 3' and chairs.  These tables are aimed towards dealers and developers.

FREE TABLES: We will also have free tables, for anyone who wishes to BRING
THEIR own PPC system, whether to show off something cool, or just to help
someone else who might need one at the time.  However, at the free tables
you get less space than the pay tables, it is first-come first- serve, and
you cannot sell products at the tables!  That is strictly for the rented

ACCESABILITY: The show is easily accessible by bus and subway, as well as
having lots of parking space in the vicinity for cars.

WHY DEALERS SHOULD COME: We offer tables at an incredibly low rate, a price
which includes electrical outlets and electricity.  You also get the chance
to show and sell your wares to a crowd of PPC owners, all of whom have
money to spend and are influenced by how big a prescence you have at the

WHY PEOPLE SHOULD COME: We will have stands from many major dealers and
developers.  We will also have a lot of friendly PPC owners there, plus a
booming sound system and TV setup that will show crazy demos and products.
It will be a wild good time for all!  BRING YOUR PPC AND HAVE A BALL ~~~

* Just 5 minutes walking distance from the Metro Station 

* We will have Audio/visual equipment setup for presentations of
  demos, programs, hardware, new products, etc.

* The Howard Johnson has a Restaurant, a Bar, and more.

* Special room rates for the first 20 reservations.  Please contact the
  hotel and specify that you are coming for the PowerCon'97.


To get the latest info about the PowerCon'97 and get more details about it
please check out our WWW sites at;

[Coming soon.....]

If you want to reserve a table, get more information on the show, or just
talk to the organizers, e-mail us at:


(514)-649-9756 (in Canada) and ask for Frederic 
(514)-933-8095 (in Canada) and ask for Jeremie.

regarding the PowerCon'97.  You can also mail the
organizers at:

Frederic Tessier
922 Deschamps
Sainte-Julie (Quebec)
J3E 1N9


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