NewTekniques Subscriptions
Date: January 24, 1997
From: Joe Tracy, NewTekniques Editor in Chief
Concerning: NewTekniques Subscription Information
Great news! The subscription information for NewTekniques magazine is
here. You'll find the information below. There's more great news too! It
has officially been confirmed that beginning in 1998 NewTekniques will be
published every other month instead of quarterly! I was very pleased to
hear that in my phone conversation with Advanstar this morning. And if
that wasn't enough, there's still another bit of good news! A special
NewTek limited edition item is going to be sent to every person who
subscribes to NewTekniques magazine within the next six months. No, it's
not a T-shirt, mug, poster or self-publicity item. It is something usable
for you. Details on this item cannot be released until NAB (early April).
Everyone who signs up now, however, will automatically receive it.
Here's the information to get your subscription:
Price: $32 (covers you through 1998)
Issues: 9 total (3 in 1997 and 6 in 1998)
Cover Price: $6.95 per issue
Your Savings: 49%
Phone Number: 1-800-346-0085
Payment Methods: Visa, MasterCard, American Express
You can also mail a check or money order to NewTekniques Magazine, ATT:
Subscription Department, 131 West First Street, Deuluth, MN 55802-2065.
NewTekniques is an independent publication of Advanstar that is created in
close association with NewTek to give users the best and most reliable
information, news, and tutorials on NewTek products. From the Flyer to
LightWave 3D, NewTekniques is filled with tutorials, tips, reviews and
techniques to take your productions and animations to the next level.
NewTekniques will also keep you posted on new NewTek product introductions,
as they occur, which will also receive coverage in NewTekniques magazine.
The $32 covers all of 1997 (3 issues) and all of 1998 (6 issues). It is a
special charter subscription price and a 49% savings over what the
newsstand price will be.
For more information on NewTekniques magazine e-mail me via with your questions or sign up to be included on
the NewTekniques Information List by asking to be included. The
NewTekniques Information List periodically receives special
behind-the-scenes information on NewTekniques magazine.
Joe Tracy, Editor in Chief
former Video Toaster User Editor in Chief
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