The following English text is a translation of a statement found on the Amiga Technologies Web site.
This statement was translated by your Amiga Web Directory web master with the assistance of translation software and a number of helpful Amiga Web Directory users. We're now certain that its original meaning is pretty close to what Petro said (see the new official English version below). Thanks to Martin Baute, Joris Weidener and Udo Schuermann for additional translation tips. Thanks to Steve Folberg and Jesse Sightler for the tip-offs on the original posts.
Dear Amiga Fans,
has been a long time since you received a new message over our Home Page. Since October nothing much
has happened, or so it seems at least. However that is not entirely
the case.
First, I want to thank everyone for the numerous e-mail messages that you have sent to me. Naturally I have received some criticism for my long silence, but mostly the messages were positive and encouraging. For these, I thank you heartily. It is really a great feeling to know you can still depend on the community of Amiga users.
What has happened in the meantime? First of all VisCorp is officially out of the race. There is, to be sure, still stubborn hearsay that VisCorp remains interested in the Amiga, but officially there is nothing concrete. Thank God I could convince the Bankruptcy trustee not to break up Amiga for the moment.
Since the bankruptcy on July 15th, 1996 we have maintained our business under the same growing conditions as if there was no bankruptcy. Our distributor network has itself continued to increase. In Russia there is now a new Amiga distributor and in Malaysia one has been added. The prices of our products are on the same level as before the bankruptcy. With our current level of business, we can still keep ourselves alive and that is great, under these difficult circumstances. Thanks to all "Amiga Freaks" who, through their purchase of our products, have actively participated in the continued existence of our company.
Since the elimination of VisCorp, a number of very interesting takeover offers for the Amiga has come in to the trustee. He has not announced the acceptance of any of these offers, but how I assess the situation, he will come to a decision soon.
Among the take-over bids, companies are involved who want to continue with the Amiga. Most of these are able to ensure the future of the Amiga.
Naturally, There are some companies which may seek to acquire only parts of Amiga. This will be up to the decision of the trustee. This decision will be based only on the amount which can be made by the sale of the total assets of Amiga. The highest bid is deciding, presupposing that it has been made on safe financial ground. We look forward to some very dramatic weeks ahead.
Our company will keep going until then with three workers: Axel, (Manager Service & Sales Center Braunschweig), Steep (Service & Sales Center) in Brunswick and me. In the meantime, I have moved my office to the former Escom AG building. From there, I will attempt to keep the Amiga alive as best I can. Further details of our employees can be found on the employees page.
As soon as there is a decision about whoever the successful future Amiga owner becomes, I will supply further details.
Sincerely yours,
Peter Tyschtschenko