Copyright© 1995 Gateway 2000 Inc. All rights reserved. Gateway 2000, AnyKey, CrystalScan, black-and-white spot design, "G" logo, TelePath, and "You've got a friend in the business," are registered trademarks, and Club Gateway, ColorBook, Destination, Gateway 2000 DuoLine, EZ Pad, EZ Point, Family PC, Field Mouse, Gateway Gold, GW2k, Kid's Backpack, Liberty, Gateway Solo and Spot Shop are trademark's of Gateway 2000, Inc. The Intel Inside logo, Intel, and Pentium are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. Trinitron is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation. All other brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Monitors' diagonal measurements indicate the size of the cathode-ray tube. All prices and configurations are subject to change without notice or obligation. Prices do not include shipping or applicable sales tax. Shipping and handling charges may vary.Many Gateway 2000 products are custom engineered to Gateway 2000 specifications, which may vary from the retail versions of the software and/or hardware in fuctionality, performance or compatibility. Please ask your sales rep to explain any differences.
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