How to Install and Troubleshoot the Hitachi 4x IDE CD-ROM Drivers

This document contains the driver installation instructions for the Hitachi 4x IDE CD-ROM drive. This document assumes that the drive is installed according to the information provided in the UserĂ­s Guide that you received with your CD-ROM. This document also assumes that the CD-ROM is the D: drive and your 3.5 inch drive is the A: drive. This installation procedure is done through MS-DOS only.

Installation procedure

  1. Insert the Hitachi 4x CD-ROM driver diskette in the a: drive. At the C:\> prompt in DOS, type:
    and press Enter. At the A:\> prompt type:
    and press Enter to begin the driver installation.
  2. The first screen titled ATAPI CD-ROM Setup Program appears. Automatic Installation is highlighted in the Setup Main Menu. Press Enter to select this entry and continue.
  3. Once the drivers copy onto the hard drive, a screen appears that tells you the installation program will modify your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files if you choose to contine. Press the Y key on your keyboard to continue with the setup program.
  4. The CONFIG.SYS file is modified first. Press Enter to continue with the installation. The AUTOEXEC.BAT file is next modified and again press Enter to continue.
  5. The final screen informs you that the setup is complete. Press Enter to exit to DOS.
  6. Remove the diskette from the A: drive and reboot the system to finish loading the CD-ROM drivers.
  7. These are the default lines added to the CONFIG.SYS file:
    device=c:\dev\hit-ide.sys /d:mscd005
  8. These are the default lines added to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file:
    c:\dos\mscdex.exe /d:mscd005 /m:8

Troubleshooting Procedures

Make sure that you have a data CD, such as the Gateway 2000 System CD, in the drive if you are trying to access a directory of the CD-ROM drive in either DOS or Windows. If you loaded the CD-ROM drivers more than once, make sure that only one reference to the CD-ROM drive is made in the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files.If there are duplicate lines in either of these files, you will receive a CDR101 error when trying to access the CD-ROM drive in DOS, and the CD-ROM drive will lock up Windows if you are trying to access it.

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