NEWS FLASH! : The A\box will not be released before the third quarter 1998 :(
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" is time for a radical
leap forwards in technology that needs to be
born by a vision of a computer for the next millennium."
Wolf Dietrich, Managing Director of Phase 5.
A german company called Phase 5, have announced that they will release a new computer platform in 1998. This computer which currently goes under the name A\Box will use the latest cutting-edge technology, and customized chips, to achieve incredible results. The best parts from the current platforms like the Amiga, the PC, the SGI and the Mac, have been copied to make the ultimate computer-platform. It's a revolution in computing, and the platform of the next millennium .
These web-pages are made by people with computing as a hobby. This is not an official A\Box web-page, and we have no connection to Phase 5 at all. Our goal with this campaign, is to spread information about this new dream-machine, and to open some eyes. Phase 5 doesn't have billion-dollar marketing budgets, and will be left in the shadow of the giants in computing-industry, until they have sold so many computers that they can afford proper marketing. This computer deserves to sell ! Take a look at our pages, and see for yourself. You wont regret it!
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