National Amiga Updates/Specials 960812

Week of August 12th, 1996 (960805)

Updates And Specials

                      B I T S   F R O M   G R E G
* Wow, what a week. I put out that list and got over 1000 replies on
  it. Thanks everyone. You helped move a lot of stuff :)
* Those who ordered the 3000's.. I have a small batch here now and
  I am contacting you all by email about what I have now.
* Just to remind folks, National Amiga is an internet based mail-order
  company. You can send all your orders and such by email.
  The telephone is a bit of a pain since it requires you to be where
  you are and me to be here and we have to be available to talk on
  the phone at the same time.  Email is a wonderful feature of the
  internet and I am able to answer most mail in under 6 hours.
* I am looking into First Virtual for foreign orders. Unfortunately,
  First Virtual thinks the world runs on the US dollar and does not
  support any other currency. So it may take some time.
* I have ordered more ZIP RAM for 3000's. The prices should hold at
  what they were for the time being.
* CyberVision 64 cards are no longer being made. They are being replaced
  with the CyberVision64/3D.
* We are still working on PC keyboard adapters. We've hit a rather silly
  snag at the moment, but it should be overcome soon. (fingers crossed)
* These lists are probably going to go weekly now that more items
  are moving through here. The Amiga business is still on an upswing!
* When emailing us an order, please include what you are ordering
  and your address/phone number.. We need both in the same message.

                 National Amiga Is Proud To Present:

               A S I M W A R E   I N N O V A T I O N S
We have recently put together some GREAT deals on ASIMWare Innovations
products. These prices are probably the best in the world at this time.
No, there are no guarantees on that :) All of them are in stock and
in large quantities. These prices are available until Saturday,
August 17th, 1996.

ASIM CDFS v3.6....................................................$54.99 *
 AsimCDFS which consists of AsimTunes, AsimCDFS, and CDTV/CD32
 emulation modules. A MUCH needed utility for using a CD-ROM drive
 on your Amiga. Supports just about every single SCSI and ATAPI
 CD-ROM drive.

ASIM CDFS v3.6 OEM Same as above, but includes BCI Net CD, nobox  $40.00 *
ASIM CDFS v3.6 OEM French Same as above...........................$40.00 *

Texture Heaven Double CD..........................................$15.00 *
 A 2 CD Set with 383 real-world images on the first CD,
 and 164 computer generated abstract images on the second.
 A must have for the CGI artist!

PhotoCD Manager...................................................$20.00 *
 A PhotoCD slide show viewer software package. With this program
 you are able to quickly and easily view PhotoCD discs.

    Audio Thunder, a new audio conversion program will be available
          approximately September 3rd, 1996. Ask for details!

                      N E W   H A R D W A R E
DKB MegaCHIP 2000................................................$280.00 +
DKB RapdiFire SCSI-II............................................$180.00 *
DKB 3128 RAM Card For 3000/4000..................................$280.00 *
DKB Ferret SCSI For Cobra/Mongoose...............................$150.00 *
DKB Cobra 030-40MHz no FPU/MMU...................................$300.00 +
DKB SpitFire SCSI For 2/3/4000...................................$150.00 +
Blizzard 1230 030-50MHz MMU, no FPU..............................$350.00 +
Blizzard 1260 060-50MHz.........................................$1120.00 +
Eklipse 2-button Mouse............................................$25.00 *
Squirrel SCSI....................................................$150.00 *
Surf Squirrel SCSI with the High-Speed Serial Port...............$199.95 *
Liana and Envoy...................................................$90.00 *
TekMagic 68060-50MHz, SCSI-II for Amiga 2000....................$1349.95
Quantum 365 Meg SCSI Hard-Drive..................................$189.95 +


     I N T A N G I B L E   A S S E T S   M A N U F A C T U R I N G
DiskSalv 4...THE Disk Recovery Program............................$64.95 *
MR Backup v2.5....................................................$79.95 *
Death Bed Vigil T-Shirts!.........................................$39.95 *
Connect Your Amiga  NEW EDITION!..................................$37.95 *
Death Bed Vigil T-Shirt! RARE!....................................$27.95 *

                             C H I P S
68000 8Mhz CPU....................................................$15.00 *
8520 CIA (DIP package)............................................$21.00 *
Buster -11........................................................$70.00 *
8372A Agnus.......................................................$45.00 *
8373 SuperDenise..................................................$45.00 *
8362 Denise.......................................................$20.00 *
8364 Paula........................................................$30.00 *
Western Digital SCSI -08..........................................$40.00 *
68881-20MHz FPU PGA...............................................$30.00 *
68882-33MHz FPU PLCC..............................................$90.00 *
68882-50MHz FPU PGA..............................................$120.00 *

                               R A M
* I have ordered more ZIP RAM for 3000's. These prices should hold at
  what they were for the time being.

4 Meg of 1x4 SCZIPs..............................................$110.00
8 Meg of 1x4 SCZIPs..............................................$200.00
12 Meg of 1x4 SCZIPs.............................................$290.00
16 Meg of 1x4 SCZIPs.............................................$380.00
1 Meg of 256k ZIPs (3000T chip ramĀ»...............................$40.00 *
4 Meg 1x32 72-pin SIMM 60ns.......................................$43.00 +
8 Meg 2x32 72-pin SIMM 60ns.......................................$88.00 +
16 Meg 4x32 72-pin SIMM 60ns.....................................$160.00 *
32 Meg 8x32 72-pin SIMM 60ns.....................................$289.00 +

Alien Breen 3D-II  The Killing Grounds..................IN STOCK..$50.00 *

                          S O F T W A R E
AWEB-II...........................................................$55.00 *
ADPro (used)......................................................$45.00 *
TurboCalc v2......................................................$25.00 *
Opus 5............................................................$85.00 *
AmiFileSafe User..................................................$45.00 *
FinalData 3.......................................................$50.00 +
Termite TCP.......................................................$80.00 *
GP Fax............................................................$50.00 *
Quarterback.......................................................$45.00 +
ImageFX V2.6.....................................................$370.00 +
DirWorks v2.......................................................$50.00 *
PC Task 3.........................................................$50.00 *

                     C D - R O M   D i s c s
Texture Heaven....................................................$15.00 *
Aminet 12.........................................................$32.00 *
Aminet 11.........................................................$32.00 *
Aminet Set 2......................................................$50.00 *
MAXimum MODS......................................................$15.00 *
dataMIX...........................................................$10.00 *
AMuc..............................................................$10.00 *
Meeting Pearls 3..................................................$35.00 *
Eric Scwartz CD...................................................$40.00 *
Lock N Load (sit aside a weekend for this one, 600+ GAMES)........$15.00 *

                     U S E D   H A R D W A R E
Commodore 2091 SCSI Interface 0k..................................$90.00 *
Commodore 2630 030-25 882  with 4 meg RAM........................$325.00 *
Supra WordSync SCSI 2000 no soft..................................$50.00 *
Chinon Floppy Drive for A500/2000/3000 (no, they are not HD's)....$65.00 *
AdRAM 540 4 Meg card for A500 0k..................................$75.00 *
MiniMegs 2 Meg RAM For A500.......................................$50.00 *
Video Master A500.................................................$50.00 *

* All prices with a * beside them mean they are in stock and ready to
  ship right away.

+ All prices with a + beside them mean they are available next
  business day.

  All other prices are updates, or just new products that have been
  made available.

All prices in Canadian dollars. Pricing and availability subject to
change without notice. Ask for our terms and policies. 
Currency conversion is available from our web page.

References around the world.

Greg Scott -------------------------------------------------------------
National Amiga  -  Amiga Products and Services International
1229 Marlborough Ct. Suite 1401 Oakville, Ontario, CANADA, L6H3B6  IRC: _NAN  NACb

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