Finishing the Details

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The last steps to completing the jet are to reshape the nose area and add definition to the engines.

  1. First we'll push the nose area out.

    Select the front polygon and bevel it with these settings.

    Bevel settings

  2. Bevel again with these settings.

    Bevel settings

  3. Select the second set of points from the front.

  4. Select the Stretch tool.

    In the Face view, place the cursor in the center of the selected points and stretch in the X axis to about 0.8, leaving Y and Z at 1.

    This gives nice shape to the nose area.

  5. Now to add definition to the engines.

    Select the front and rear polygons of the engines and bevel them with these settings.

    Bevel settings

  6. Bevel them again to make the intake and exhaust openings.

    Bevel settings

  7. Select the 20 points at the front of the plane.

  8. Move them forward about 800 mm.

  9. Freeze the plane and we're done.

    You can vary the amount of smoothness of the freezing by changing the Patch Division level on the Data Options panel.

    We used a level of 5 for this tutorial.

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