ARexx Server not Active

Product: Flyer

Platforms: 2000 3000 3000T 4000 4000T

Problem: Attempt to start Toaster or Flyer fails with one or more of the following error messages:

Rexxmast: Unknown Command

Rexxmast Failed Returncode 10

ARexx Server not active

These errors will occur if the ARexx services on the Amiga are not active. The files may be corrupt, or may not be present where Toaster/Flyer 4.1 can activate them.

In order to start System 4.1, you need the following:

ARexx must be installed on your Amiga (ARexx has been included with Amiga operating system software since AmigaDOS 2.0, so it should be on your machine already).

RexxMast (the ARexx activation program)must be running. You can either place its icon in the WBStartup drawer of your system, or enter the proper command line in your user-startup sequence so that it is run each time your computer starts up. If RexxMast is present in the C: directory, the 4.1D StartToaster icon will be able to launch it when double-clicked.

The reason ARexx is necessary is that the StartToaster icon is actually an ARexx script. If ARexx is not running, you will not be able to run the Toaster.

Video Toaster FAQs

Amiga 2000Amiga 3000Amiga 3000TAmiga 4000Amiga 4000T

Flyer FAQs

Amiga 2000Amiga 3000Amiga 3000TAmiga 4000Amiga 4000T