Step by step instruction list on how to EXACTLY install Lightwave.
(Special thanks to Jacques for the revision)
- Insert LightWave CD
- Double click LightWave3D icon
- Read the Read Me in the NewTek folder!
- Double click install LightWave3D
- If there is not an OK button on the LightWave splash screen, hit return
- Press OK to continue
- Drag the Install LightWave icon onto the hard drive where you want to
install LightWave. Make sure that the name of your hard drive does not have
any spaces.
- Wait while LightWave installs
- Click quit
- Double click the hard drive where you installed LightWave3D
- Open the NewTek folder
- Double click on Config Maker application
- Select Config File from File menu on top menu bar
- Go to Newtek:Programs and then find LWConfig
- Open LWConfig (you will not find anything inside, but the data will be
- Select Config File again from File menu on top menu bar
- Go to Newtek:Programs and then find Lightwave Modeler Prefs
- Open Lightwave Modeler Prefs (you will not find anything inside, but
the data will be transfered)
- Select "quit" from File menu
- Open the Programs folder within the NewTek folder
- Double click LWConfig
- Find "ContentDirectory", about 4 lines down from top
- Type a path to the NewTek folder after the words "ContentDirectory, ie:
ContentDirectory HardDrive:Newtek
- Save the changes and close the window
- Open the Programs folder of the NewTek folder
- Open your System folder and find the Preferences folder
- Hold down the "option" key and drag "LW Modeler Prefs" from the
Programs folder into the Preferences folder.
- You're done! Launch LightWave and have fun.
There is a patch now for LightWave 3D Power Mac - get it here.
Any questions? Contact NewTek Technical support at 913-228-8282 Monday
- Thurs 8-8 Central Standard Time and Fridays from 9-6 CST or email us